I have a question about how to tag inline biogenic, inline lightning in CMAQ/ISAM control file?
I got the error of "User specified ISAM tag - LTNG - not found " when I used the following description in my control file as I assume that LTNG are the default emission streams of inline lightning emission source.
Yes, I can easily point the lightning emission if I use our self-developed lightning emission NO file. But I do not know how to setup the isam_control file if I am using inline lightning as described in my run script (see attached ). What is EMIS STREAM(S) for lightning emission in the control file? part_of_run_script.txt (658 Bytes)
OK, now I understand what you are asking. Part of the confusion is that in upcoming release that I am working on, all of the emissions streams are treated the same way including inline and offline sources. For 5.2 version of the model you want this:
ELT (parameter name)
EMIS (1 leading space)
LTNG (2 leading spaces)
SPECIES (1 leading space)
NO (2 leading spaces)