Hr2day not generating output

Hi all,

I used benchmark to test hr2day, but it always return 0 time step, any suggestions?
I also attached my run script, log file, and input/output files


     "OUTFILE" opened as OLD:READ-WRITE
     File name "/usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/data/CMAQv5.3_Benchmark_2Day_Output/POST/"
     File type GRDDED3
     Execution ID "????????????????"
     Grid name "2016_12SE1"
     Dimensions: 80 rows, 100 cols, 1 lays, 0 vbles
     NetCDF ID:    131072  opened as READWRITE
     Starting date and time  2016183:000000 (0:00:00   July 1, 2016)
     Timestep                          240000 (24:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
     Maximum current record number         0

Here is my input header:

netcdf COMBINE_ACONC_v53_gcc_Bench_2016_12SE1_201607 {
        TSTEP = UNLIMITED ; // (48 currently)
        DATE-TIME = 2 ;
        LAY = 1 ;
        VAR = 134 ;
        ROW = 80 ;
        COL = 100 ;

run_hr2day.csh (4.0 KB) run_hr2day.log.txt (4.6 KB)
input and output

The 0 is the number of time steps in the file before you’ve written anything.

The program is dying before it gets around to writing anything: that’s what the “ieee_inexact is signaling” is about in the log. Is the input data bad? – a quick check would be to run M3Tools program m3stat on that input-file and see what it says about the input data…


I did not see any significant issue in input file, I also double check I have the species I need. Any other suggestion?


        float ATOTIJ(TSTEP, LAY, ROW, COL) ;
                ATOTIJ:long_name = "ATOTIJ          " ;
                ATOTIJ:units = "ug m-3          " ;
                ATOTIJ:var_desc = "ATOTI[0]+ATOTJ[0]                                                               " ;

     AUNSPEC1IJ   (ug m-3  ): ATOTIJ[0] - (ASOILJ[0] + ANO3IJ[0] + ASO4IJ[0]
     ANCOMIJ      (ug m-3  ): AOMIJ[0]-AOCIJ[0]
     AUNSPEC2IJ   (ug m-3  ): AUNSPEC1IJ[0] - ANCOMIJ[0]

     --->> Normal Completion of program M3STAT
     Program  M3STAT  completed successfully

REPORT.txt (774.9 KB)

Your run script has a typo.


should be


If this doesn’t solve the problem, please compile and run in debug mode and report back.

It’s also good practice to use M3_FILE_1 instead of INFILE in case you want to specify multiple input files, though INFILE is a recognized option for backward compatibility.


Thanks, after editing the species, it gives another error

     >>--->> WARNING in subroutine WRITE3
     Time step error writing file:  OUTFILE
     M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   <DATE ERROR>  (*******:000000)

How to compile and run in debug mode?

Also, I tested the m3tproc I compiled and a precompiled version from EMP 2016, both ran through successfully but there is no time step in the outfile.

Thank you

Does the same error occur if you remove OUTFILE first before rerunning the script?

To compile in debug mode, cd to the hr2day BLD directory (i.e. ${CMAQ_HOME}/POST/hr2day/scripts/BLD_hr2day_${VRSN}_pgi2018 based on the run script you posted), then type
make clean

here is the message:

Thanks for you help.
Makefile.txt (3.1 KB)

[jhuang@SOL BLD_hr2day_v532_pgi2018]$ make clean
rm -f  module_file.o module_tstep.o module_evaluator.o module_grid.o module_spec.o module_envvar.o ck_ctms.o getTZ.o hr2day.o parser.o *.mod
[jhuang@SOL BLD_hr2day_v532_pgi2018]$ make DEBUG = TRUE
make: *** empty variable name.  Stop.

but hr2day_v532.exe was built.

and yes, removing previous output it still gives me the same error.

My bad, it should be make DEBUG=TRUE, not make DEBUG = TRUE.

Sorry about that, please try again.

there is no issue during the build, and it still gives me the same error.

[jhuang@SOL BLD_hr2day_v532_pgi2018]$ make clean
rm -f  module_file.o module_tstep.o module_evaluator.o module_grid.o module_spec.o module_envvar.o ck_ctms.o getTZ.o hr2day.o parser.o *.mod
[jhuang@SOL BLD_hr2day_v532_pgi2018]$ make DEBUG=TRUE
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   module_file.F
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   module_tstep.F
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   module_evaluator.F
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   module_grid.F
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   module_spec.F
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   module_envvar.F
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   ck_ctms.F
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   getTZ.F
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   hr2day.F
mpif90 -c -Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/include_files -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/include -I /usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/include   parser.F
mpif90   module_file.o module_tstep.o module_evaluator.o module_grid.o module_spec.o module_envvar.o ck_ctms.o getTZ.o hr2day.o parser.o -L/usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/ioapi/lib -lioapi -L/usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdff/lib -lnetcdff -L/usr/apps/CMAQ/CMAQ_v5.3/lib/x86_64/pgi2018/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -o hr2day_v532.exe

I think I see the problem now, there is another error in your run script. The start and end dates need to be provided in YYYYJJJ format, not YYYYMMDD.


setenv START_DATE 20160701
setenv END_DATE 20160702

back to the original YYYYJJJ format used in the script we distributed for this benchmark case

setenv START_DATE 2016182
setenv END_DATE 2016183


Thanks, it works.
