I want to run CMAQ for the 12CONUS1 domain with the following GRIDDESC for February 1, 2023 to May 1,2023.
2, 33.0D0, 45.D0, -97.D0, -97.D0, 40.D0
‘12US1_459X299’, ! Continental 12km grid
‘LAM_40N97W’, -2556000, -1728000, 12000, 12000, 459, 299, 1
For that first I need to run ICON and BCON. Can anyone please share any link where I can get gridded input data for ICON and BCON. I have ASCII input data: avprofile_cb6r3m_ae7_kmtbr_hemi2016_v53beta2_m3dry_col051_row068.csv. I want to run CMAQ with cb06ae07 configuration. Thanks!
I think you might need to clarify a few questions for further understanding.
Are you referring to coarser CMAQ model outputs (CONC files)? If so, I guess there isn’t any CONC files available for the time that you are investigating (Data for 2023 is not available). I believe the only option might work would be the WACCM model by NCAR, however, it requires additional efforts in processing.
As you mentioned, you have the CSV file which corresponds to the “profile” option in the runscript. If you just want to get the ICON and BCON files, you can choose the profile option and run them for creating icon and bcon files.