If there are references reporting what the BEIS emissions factors were based

Hi everyone,

I have found the reference reporting that the BEIS emissions factors of NO emission were mainly derived from analyses of NO emission data from several representative sites in the United States:
Williams, E., A. Guenther, and F. Fehsenfeld (1992), An inventory of nitric oxide emissions from soils in the United States, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 97, pp. 7511-7519.

The BEIS emissions factors of NO emission are specifically recorded for 258 land types in beld5_facs_csv_fmt_2017NEI_CDC_21apr2020_v0. But there are only 7 land types mentioned in the literature mentioned above. If there are other references reporting what the BEIS emissions factors of NO emission presented in beld5_facs_csv_fmt_2017NEI_CDC_21apr2020_v0 were based?


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Hi Lingyun,
I have been unable to track down a reference for the complete set of BEIS emissions factors. A fellow CMAQ team member believes that the other land use types were based on using a similar land use type or averaging between 2 land use types. He shared an excel spreadsheet that I can send to you that may have some of the information you are looking for.

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Hi Kristen,

I have received the excel spreadsheet. Thank you very much!

Best wishes,