Hello Megan. So sorry for the very late reply. I got so distracted like everybody else by 2020. My compiler is gcc.
Hi, I have received the same email. Has anyone found a solution for expo 40?
Can li mac izle vidmateApp
I’m not sure what you’re asking.
Hi, @a.kashfi73 @tlspero @mmallard. I wonder if the LAI problem solved now? I get same trouble. I used the Noah LSM and the MODIS land use data, same as the kashfi73. My WRF, CMAQ and MCIP version is 4.1.1, 5.3.3 and 5.3.3,separately. The compiler is gcc and gfortran.
I checked the lai in the wrfout and metcro2d(created by mcip533), there were zero values.
How can I fix it?
The attachments are CCTM run log, it aborted because the lai is zero.
run_cctm_dust202103.txt (89.6 KB)
metcro2d-lai-2021-03-06-00.xlsx (75.7 KB)
wrfout-lai-2021-03-06-00.xlsx (81.9 KB)
Thanks for the attached information! I took a quick look and it seems that the LAI is being read from WRF. If LAI is not read by mcip, and the Noah LSM is used, I think that MCIP applies a filler value of 4.0, which is not the case with your file. Are you finding any zero LAI values over points where the grid cell is categorized as land within the landmask?
In the previously-discussed error in this thread, the error was traced back to a specific line in the resistcalc.f90 code in mcip, where a zero LAI value appeared in the denominator of an equation that should only be solved over land points (see the second post above, written by @tlspero ). To clarify, zero values for LAI, as long as they are over water points, should not be a problem, at least on the MCIP side of things. Given that it looks like MCIP did run but the error actually occurred while running CMAQ in your case, I do not think it is the same error that was being discussed earlier in this thread.
I’m including the error that was found in the log file, in case it prompts others to help.
Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x2ADFE1E0E697
#2 0x2ADFE28A13FF
#3 0x93841F in m3dry_
#4 0x6CC539 in depv_defn_MOD_get_depv at DEPV_DEFN.F:544
#5 0x91E7E4 in vdiff at vdiffproc.F:411
#6 0x86810D in sciproc at sciproc.F:237
#7 0x8566DD in cmaq_driver_ at driver.F:717
#8 0x8510C4 in MAIN__ at cmaq_main.F:97
@lizadams @mmallard Thanks for your reply. I have created a new topic about this error. Please see CCTM5.3.3 run error: Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - CMAQ / Run Time Errors and Issues - CMAS CENTER FORUM. I hope to get your help. Thanks a lot.