MEGAN BDSNP appears to use a land fraction input from WRF to define the land categories used. We’re interested in separating NO from croplands and NO from non-croplands. MEGAN BDSNP from the 2018_12US1 modeling platform provides a LANTYPE_CONUS.ncf file described in the CMAQ model inputs to have 24 input soil biomes generated by the MEGAN pre-processor. Which of these would correspond to cropland?
WRF can use 24 USGS Land Use categories described here (page 3 of WRF manual)
However, it appears that variable 22 in the LANDTYPE file may correspond to cropland just based on visuals (including corn belt and SJV). Below, I plotted a subset with higher variable numbers. The USGS land use data lists category 22 as mixed tundra.