NLCD2016 in CMAQ platform

Dear all,
I would like to ask when the NLCD2016 will be incorporated into the CMAQ platform. I know the Spatial Allocator could process the NLCD2011 while it looks like the NLCD is under development.

With regards,

Ryan, specifically which inputs are you interested in? Spatial surrogates?

Hi Alison,
Yes, I am interested in surrogates of NLCD2016. Also, I would like to know whether the 2016NLCD for the WPS in the WRF model will be incorporated by the SA team.


Ryan, we aren’t yet using NLCD 2016 for spatial surrogates. There were some missing pieces of data in NLCD2016 that prevented us from using these data sooner. We will investigate whether it will be possibly to switch to NLCD 2016 sometime within the next year or so, but it won’t be imminent. I don’t know about the WRF model inputs so I’ve reached out to some others on that.

Hi Alison,
May I ask whether you have heard back from the staff about the WRF model inputs related with NLCD2016 as you mentioned in the last post?

With regards,

I reached out but haven’t heard more back yet. Will let you know when I do.