Pnetcdf error in Linux stations with 48 cores

I successfully installed IOAPI-3.2 and pnetCDF into a Dell Linux station with 48 processors. However, I have errors in running cmaqv5.3.1 that say

Abort(269031429) on node 21 (rank 21 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Allreduce: Invalid communicator, error stack:
PMPI_Allreduce(402): MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=0x7ffc1cfedab0, rbuf=0x7ffc1cfec53c, count=1, datatype=MPI_LOGICAL, op=MPI_LAND, comm=MPI_COMM_NULL) failed
PMPI_Allreduce(325): Null communicator
Abort(134813701) on node 22 (rank 22 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Allreduce: Invalid communicator, error stack:
PMPI_Allreduce(402): MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=0x7ffeade7a7b0, rbuf=0x7ffeade7923c, count=1, datatype=MPI_LOGICAL, op=MPI_LAND, comm=MPI_COMM_NULL) failed
PMPI_Allreduce(325): Null communicator
Abort(134813701) on node 23 (rank 23 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Allreduce: Invalid communicator, error stack:
PMPI_Allreduce(402): MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=0x7ffce2cb5430, rbuf=0x7ffce2cb3ebc, count=1, datatype=MPI_LOGICAL, op=MPI_LAND, comm=MPI_COMM_NULL) failed
PMPI_Allreduce(325): Null communicator
Abort(470358021) on node 25 (rank 25 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Allreduce: Invalid communicator, error stack:
PMPI_Allreduce(402): MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=0x7ffdbec4a630, rbuf=0x7ffdbec490bc, count=1, datatype=MPI_LOGICAL, op=MPI_LAND, comm=MPI_COMM_NULL) failed
PMPI_Allreduce(325): Null communicator
Abort(873011205) on node 26 (rank 26 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Allreduce: Invalid communicator, error stack:
PMPI_Allreduce(402): MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=0x7ffe209e56b0, rbuf=0x7ffe209e413c, count=1, datatype=MPI_LOGICAL, op=MPI_LAND, comm=MPI_COMM_NULL) failed
PMPI_Allreduce(325): Null communicator
Abort(1007228933) on node 29 (rank 29 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Allreduce: Invalid communicator, error stack:
PMPI_Allreduce(402): MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=0x7ffcd0296e30, rbuf=0x7ffcd02958bc, count=1, datatype=MPI_LOGICAL, op=MPI_LAND, comm=MPI_COMM_NULL) failed
PMPI_Allreduce(325): Null communicator

I wonder what I missed in installing the ioapi/pnetcdf.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with IOAPI or netcdf. It seems that the MPI is not properly installed in your workstation. It is easy to configure and install the MPI along with the Intel® Fortran Compiler (free for education use). You can find lots of hands-on instructions in Youtube and Stackoverflow.

I have checked MPI set-up but it looks O.K. CMAQ’s pario routines which utilize MPI worked well: Everything works very well before I add a link to pnetcdf library.

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Did you re-compile everything? You need to re-compile all of the CCTM using the m3utilio.mod and modncfio.mod from the pnetCDF-enabled I/O API library.