Question in runing CCTM

Hello teachers, I would like to ask you a question. The run time I set when running CCTM is START_DATE = 2020-01-03
set END_DATE = 2020-01-30, but why does the model automatically stop at the end of the first day of normal operation and not run the next day? In the script I set setenv NEW_START FALSE.
I hope someone can help me, thanks!

i want to attch my run_cctm.csh,but it shows “new users can not upload attachments.”

Hi Bailey,

Does the CTM_LOG file shows "PROGRAM COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY " at the end of file? If so, maybe you can add some output statement in run_cctm.csh to check if simulation days’ looping goes well and TODAYG or TODAYJ changes correctly. If not, is there an error message in the CTM_LOG file?

As for the problem you mentioned about not being able to upload files, I’m sorry I don’t know the reason, and you can probably ask the administrator for help.


How do you execute your simulation? We typically submit to a batch queue such as SLURM or PBS. This thread may be relevant.