Segmentation Fault (signal 11) Error When Running CCTM in CMAQ 5.0.2 – Need Help

Hello everyone, I encountered a Segmentation Fault (signal 11) error when running CCTM in CMAQ 5.0.2. The program crashes with the message BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES.
Error Log (Partial):
<<<WARNING: 1 No Point Emissions of NO2 for Species NO2
WARNING: 2 No Point Emissions of NO for Species NO

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f0955ab7dfd in ???
#1 0x7f0955ab7013 in ???
#2 0x7f0954faf3ff in ???
#3 0x43f304 in ???

The full log is attached as d01.txt, and the run script is provided in d01cctm.txt.

d01cctm.txt (14.5 KB)
d01.txt (71.9 KB)

My Computing Environment:

CMAQ Version: 5.0.2
Operating System & Compiler: (CENTOS7 64 and PGI)
Run Mode: Multi-core parallel (MPI), using 4 cores

Help Needed:

  • Could this error be related to the No Point Emissions warnings?
  • Any suggested debugging methods, such as checking specific modules or adjusting parameters?
  • Could this be caused by the model code, input data format, or computing environment (e.g., MPI-related issues)?
  • Any other possible solutions?

I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions from experienced users. Thank you!


Can you post the exit message for each one of your core-specific log files? The CTM_LOG* ones? In the log file you posted I’m not seeing an ABORT statement. In the directory where you CTM_LOG files live you can run the following command:

tail -n 20 CTM_LOG* | less

to scan for that end-of-file ABORT statement.
