Select specific sites for batch scripts

I’m trying to use AMET’s batch scripts to generate plots for a subset of monitoring sites. Is there a place where I can enter a list of site IDs for which I want to generate plots?
I tried this in the AMET_batch.input but it did not work.

### Monitoring Sites to Include ###
#site_id <- "All"
site_id        <- c("490353006","490110004", "490450004")


Do you want create individual plots for each of the site in your list, or create a single plot with all the specified sites?


Individual plots would be great!

In that case, you’d want to use a setup similar to how the batch_query/batch_names are provided as example at the top of the AMET_batch.input file.

For example, this should work for the three sites you listed.


Basic query for entire date range w/ no other criteria

#batch_query ← c(date_query)
#batch_names ← c(“All”)


Example for seasonal analysis

batch_query <-paste(date_query, c(“d.stat_id=‘490353006’”,“d.stat_id=‘490110004’”,“d.stat_id=‘490450004’”), sep=" and ")
batch_names ← c(“490353006”, “490110004”, “490450004”)

Give the above and try and let me know what happens.


This worked, thank you so much!