Smkmerge without spcmat/temporal

Hi there,

I don’t remember whether SMOKE can generate netcdf files that are gridded but without speciation or temporization. Basically I am interested in visualizing spatial distribution of inventory pollutants through Verdi on netcdf files.
If it is possible, what key settings are needed in smoke run and assigns scripts?


Hi Roger, long time no see. :slight_smile: Hope this finds you well.
Yes, you can generate any gridded emissions using SMOKE. You can set the following the flags to generate various types of gridded emissions files. However, gridded emissions is default.

setenv MRG_LAYERS_YN N # Y produces layered output
setenv MRG_SPCMAT_YN N # Y produces speciated output
setenv MRG_TEMPORAL_YN N # Y produces temporally allocated output
setenv MRG_GRDOUT_YN Y # Y produces a gridded output file

If you set MRG_SPCMAT_YN=N and MRG_TEMPORAL_YN=N for Smkmerge/Movesmrg runs, you can generate the gridded emissions without speciation and temporal. If you read the output file through Verdi, you will see the gridded emissions in unit of tons/year. You can also output the emissions in a different unit by updating the flag “MRG_GRDOUT_UNIT” if you wish.

Nice to see you BH! How are you?

Yes, I already tried the settings you suggested. Yes, a gridded netcdf was generated in reports/{a case}/static folder, but without any data. I captured some text lines from smkmerge*.log:

 "AG" opened as UNKNOWN(R-W)
 File name "/aa/rkwok/SMOKE4_official/data/reports/sacv_4k_by16fy16_gs072618e_cmaqtox_Srg100/static/ag.area.4km.sacv_4k_by16fy16_gs072618e_cmaqtox_Srg100.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Grid name "SAC_43x75"
 Dimensions: 75 rows, 43 cols, 1 lays, 9 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    196608  opened as READWRITE
 Starting date and time     -635:000000 (0:00:00   April 5, -002)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number         0

And then at the bottom of the log file an error was encountered:
Requested date & time: 0:000000
File starting date & time: -635:000000 time step: 010000

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine WRITE3
 Time step error writing file:  AG

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine WMRGEMIS
 Could not write "CO              " to file "AG              "

It seems to me that the negative value -635 as the File Starting Date is the cause. But I cannot find anywhere in either Smoke or Ioapi source code forcing the start date for time-independent output. Have you encountered this issue before? What else did I miss?


File starting date & time: -635:000000 time step: 010000

But I cannot find anywhere in either Smoke or Ioapi source code forcing the start date for time-independent output.

This is not a time independent file: 'time step: 010000` – and that is probably the problem.