SMOKE run halts on temporal process

Hi everyone!

I ran into a problem that I can’t seem to troubleshoot, basically, the SMOKE model halts when it reaches the TEMPORAL process.

For context, I want to run the model for 31 days, I’m able to run the model for 24 hours just fine (each steps completes successfully up to SMKMERGE process), however, when I set it to run for 31 days, the model just stops running a few moments after starting the TEMPORAL process.

This is the TEMPORAL log up to the point where it halts.

I thought at first that it might related to the limits setting on this server, however the limits are set pretty high as you can see here:

and I checked the # of files opened by the process using the lsof utility, it reaches to 21 files before the process hangs up:

This is my ASSIGNS file and this is my run script

When I set my ASSIGNS file with the parameters below it runs fine:

## Mobile episode variables
   setenv EPI_STDATE 2019213     # Julian start date
   setenv EPI_STTIME  000000     # start time (HHMMSS)
   setenv EPI_RUNLEN  240000     # run length (HHHMMSS)
   setenv EPI_NDAY     1         # number of full run days

## Per-period environment variables
   setenv G_STDATE  2019213      # Julian start date
   setenv G_STTIME   000000      # start time (HHMMSS)
   setenv G_TSTEP     10000      # time step  (HHMMSS)
   setenv G_RUNLEN   240000      # run length (HHMMSS)
   setenv ESDATE   20190801      # Start date of emis time-based files/dirs
   setenv MSDATE   20190801      # Start date of met  time-based files
   setenv NDAYS           1      # Duration in days of each emissions file
   setenv MDAYS           1      # Duration in days of met  time-based files
   setenv YEAR         2019      # Base year for year-specific files

but when I set to run for 31 days, that’s when the problem occurs:

## Mobile episode variables
   setenv EPI_STDATE 2019213     # Julian start date
   setenv EPI_STTIME  000000     # start time (HHMMSS)
   setenv EPI_RUNLEN 7440000     # run length (HHHMMSS)
   setenv EPI_NDAY    31         # number of full run days

## Per-period environment variables
   setenv G_STDATE  2019213      # Julian start date
   setenv G_STTIME   000000      # start time (HHMMSS)
   setenv G_TSTEP     10000      # time step  (HHMMSS)
   setenv G_RUNLEN  7450000      # run length (HHMMSS)
   setenv ESDATE   20190801      # Start date of emis time-based files/dirs
   setenv MSDATE   20190801      # Start date of met  time-based files
   setenv NDAYS          31      # Duration in days of each emissions file
   setenv MDAYS          31      # Duration in days of met  time-based files
   setenv YEAR         2019      # Base year for year-specific files

any ideas on where I can look? Thank you!

What sector are you running and what is the basis for your scripts?

Note that In the EPA platform, we don’t put multiple days of output into the same file – all file have a single day of output.

See this file which talks about running SMOKE for part of a month at the end using the 2017-based EPA platform scripts:

Hi @eyth.alison thank you for your response, right now we are trying to run smoke for only one pollutant (CO) and one sector (BIOGENIC).

What do you mean about the basis of our scripts? Are you referring to the ASSIGNS file or the run script?

I’ll review your link now.

The EPA releases full platforms of SMOKE inputs and scripts here

although they are focused on North America.

Although if you are running on a domain outside of North America, these probably won’t help you too much.

Hi @eyth.alison yeah, my domain is located in South America (Paraguay to be more precise).

So I went over this again today and re-checked my files, and noticed that, even though I configured SMOKE to run for 31 days, the MCIP files I had were only generated for 24 hours, so I re-generated my MCIP files using 31 days of data (output from the WRF model) and tried to run SMOKE again.

This time though, I got a different error:

forrtl: severe (71): integer divide by zero
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
temporal           00000000005B43DE  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libpthread-2.17.s  00002AE18D8BC630  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
temporal           000000000041528E  opentmp_                  167  opentmp.f
temporal           000000000042C5C4  MAIN__                    699  temporal.f
temporal           000000000040371E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       00002AE18DCEF555  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
temporal           0000000000403629  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
61.857u 0.626s 1:02.48 99.9%	0+0k 0+40io 0pf+0w
[everdaniel@prueba2 run]$

this error pops up when it reaches the TEMPORAL process, please note that if I set it run for 24 hours only the model runs fine and each process finishes successfully.

Anyone have any ideas on what the issue might be?

Relevant files:

Thanks for the trace-back.

This code-chunk Lines 166-188 of opentmp.f ) is trying to ensure that the total output-file size does not exceed 1.5 GB and therefore is comfortably less than 2 GB.

The 2 GB file size limit in netCDF went away with netCDF-2 more than two decades ago. This code-chunk could be deleted without affecting functionality.

Hi @cjcoats thanks for your reply.

So from you comment I guess I would need to comment out/delete those lines and re-compile the model, am I right?

You can try the recompile without those lines.

We note that running temporal for 31 days should work fine – what should happen is that Temporal outputs a separate 25-hour file for each day, and then you run Smkmerge once per day. You should need to create a 31-day-long MCIP file (the Temporal error is unrelated to that).

We also suggest looking at the monthly/weekly/hourly profiles being used, since it’s possible that a profile where all the values are zero is causing divide by zero.

Hi @eyth.alison thanks for your reply.

I checked the monthly, weekly and hourly profiles (see below) and noticed the monthly profile only had the july column set to 1.0, so I changed it to 1.0 for all months and updated the total at the end, I re-run SMOKE after this change but I’m still getting the same error (again).

The profiles files:

In my arinv.CO.201907.lst file I have the 4th column (which I understand is the month), set to 7 (it was 0 before), is this correct?

@ever.barreto. Were you able to process 31 days consecutively using Temporal with this modification in the code? If not, let me know.

Hi @bbaek apologies for the delayed response, I needed to duplicate the Virtual Machine I was working on and that took a bit.

I tried to compile the model with the steps outlined in the documentation, however, I’m getting the following error:

[everdaniel@smoke2 src]$ make
cd /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/../Linux2_x86_64ifort;  ifort -auto -warn notruncated_source -Bstatic -static-intel -I/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/ioapi/ioapi/fixed_src -I/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/inc -I/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/ioapi/Linux2_x86_64ifort                 -extend-source 132 -zero                          -O3 -unroll -stack_temps -safe_cray_ptr -convert big_endian -assume byterecl  -traceback -xHost                                    -DAUTO_ARRAYS=1 -DF90=1 -DFLDMN=1 -DFSTR_L=int -DIOAPI_NO_STDOUT=1 -DAVOID_FLUSH=1 -DBIT32=1 -c /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f
ifort: command line warning #10434: option '-stack_temps' use with underscore is deprecated; use '-stack-temps' instead
ifort: command line warning #10434: option '-safe_cray_ptr' use with underscore is deprecated; use '-safe-cray-ptr' instead
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/ioapi/ioapi/fixed_src/PARMS3.EXT(104): error #5082: Syntax error, found '&' when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM> <CHAR_NAM_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT> <INTEGER_CONSTANT> ...
        INTEGER, PARAMETER :: M3TYPES( NM3TYPES ) =                             &
compilation aborted for /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f (code 1)
make: *** [alocatbl.o] Error 1

the IOAPI 3.2 I have on this server was compiled with the same compiler (Intel Fortran) I’m using to try to compile SMOKE as well.

Any ideas on what could be the issue?

Two things:

  • There is a typo in PARMS3.EXT at line 104 of that code-version: to fix this remove all text in that line from the ampersand ("&") at columnn 79 to the end-of-line).

  • From time to time, Intel makes incompatible changes in their compile-flags (as does GNU Fortran, for that matter); that makes life difficult for users and developers. Isn’t that wonderful?

Thanks @cjcoats , now I’m getting a different error though:

[everdaniel@smoke2 src]$ make
cd /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/../Linux2_x86_64ifort;  ifort -auto -warn notruncated_source -Bstatic -static-intel -I/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/ioapi/ioapi/fixed_src -I/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/inc -I/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/ioapi/Linux2_x86_64ifort                 -extend-source 132 -zero                          -O3 -unroll -stack-temps -safe-cray-ptr -convert big_endian -assume byterecl  -traceback -xHost                                    -DAUTO_ARRAYS=1 -DF90=1 -DFLDMN=1 -DFSTR_L=int -DIOAPI_NO_STDOUT=1 -DAVOID_FLUSH=1 -DBIT32=1 -c /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(44): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file.  Check INCLUDE paths.   [MODXREF]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #7397: The argument of the ALLOCATED inquiry intrinsic function should have the ALLOCATABLE attribute.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #6830: The argument of the ALLOCATED intrinsic cannot be a constant or an expression.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT09]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(68): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT08]
        ALLOCATE( ARPT08( J,3 ), STAT=IOS )
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(70): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT08]
        ARPT08 = IMISS3    ! array
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(73): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT09]
        ALLOCATE( ARPT09( J,3 ), STAT=IOS )
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(75): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT09]
        ARPT09 = IMISS3    ! array
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(44): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not accessible.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(44): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not accessible.   [ARPT09]
compilation aborted for /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f (code 1)
make: *** [alocatbl.o] Error 1

Is there a modref.mod in your /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/…/Linux2_x86_64ifort build-directory? (You might try a “make clean; make”)

@cjcoats I’m not seeing a modref.mod in that folder (the folder is empty actually):

[everdaniel@smoke2 src]$ ls -l ../Linux2_x86_64ifort/ | grep modref
[everdaniel@smoke2 src]$

I just ran a make clean and then make and got the same error again:

[everdaniel@smoke2 src]$ make clean
cd /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/../Linux2_x86_64ifort; rm -f modar2pt.o modbeis3.o modbiog.o modcntrl.o moddayhr.o modelev.o modemfac.o modgrid.o modinfo.o modlists.o modmbset.o modmerge.o modmet.o modmobil.o modmvsmrg.o modrepbn.o modreprt.o modsourc.o modspro.o modstcy.o modsurg.o modtag.o modtmprl.o modxref.o modgrdlib.o appendname.o        chkfileset.o chksetdesc.o        cleanup.o closeset.o          createset.o descset.o           modfileset.o openset.o           promptset.o readset.o           writeset.o alocatbl.o alocchrt.o alocctbl.o alocetbl.o alocgtbl.o alocmtbl.o alocptbl.o alocstbl.o alocttbl.o applreac.o applumat.o bldcsrc.o bldenams.o blkorcmt.o calcrelhum.o checkmem.o chkcpvar.o chkemepi.o chkexpscc.o chkexpsic.o chkgrid.o chkint.o chkisiz.o chkmetem.o chkptdef.o chkreal.o chksrcno.o cvtrdtype.o cvtvehtype.o dscm3grd.o dscm3lay.o dscsprof.o efsetup.o evalcrit.o fillatbl.o fillchrt.o fillctbl.o filletbl.o fillgtbl.o fillmtbl.o fillptbl.o fillstbl.o fillttbl.o find1first.o flterr.o fltrneg.o fltrxref.o fmtcsrc.o genptcel.o genptvcel.o genuslst.o getbasyr.o getcfdsc.o getctgry.o getdysav.o getfline.o getformt.o getidasz.o getifdsc.o getiname.o getinvyr.o getm3epi.o getnlist.o getntisz.o getrfdsc.o getsinfo.o gettzone.o grd2cnty.o grdfips.o hdrmiss3.o ingrid.o initem.o ioapi_grd_size.o rdsprofdsc.o multunit.o nextime.o normtpro.o openphys.o padnzero.o padzero.o parscsrc.o parsline.o pdsetup.o polmesg.o prclinrc.o procspro.o progdesc.o rd3mask.o rdar2pt.o rdascc.o rdchrscc.o rdcodnam.o rddates.o rdeproc.o rdgeocodes.o rdgmat.o rdgref.o rdhdays.o rdinvchr.o rdinvmap.o rdinvpol.o rdlines.o rdmactdsc.o rdmapmask.o rdmappol.o rdnaicsdsc.o rdorsdsc.o rdpelv.o rdrmat.o rdsccdsc.o rdsccmap.o rdsconv.o rdsetmask.o rdsicdsc.o rdsmat.o rdspdprof.o rdspdref.o rdsprof.o rdsrcgrps.o rdsref.o rdsrg.o rdsrgdesc.o rdsrghdr.o rdstcy.o rdtzone.o rdumat.o rdmxref.o rdxclude.o readwr3.o rmcommnt.o setscctype.o setsrcdy.o srcgrpcnt.o tagtable.o unitfac.o unitmatch.o useexpgeo.o verchar.o wrchrscc.o wrdaymsg.o wrorlout.o wrsrcgrps.o xfractbl.o xreftbl.o czangle.o getpar.o getparb.o hrbeis3.o hrbeis_361.o hrno.o normbeis3.o normbeis314.o normbeis361.o prebmet.o rdb3fac.o rdb4fac.o rdb4fac_csv.o rdbpro.o tmpbeis3.o tmpbeis314.o tmpbeis361.o normbeis370.o alocpkts.o asgncntl.o cntlmat.o errpkts.o fillcdat.o fillcntl.o genmultc.o genproj.o genreact.o opencmat.o openctmp.o openpmat.o openrmat.o pktloop.o procpkts.o rdpacket.o wcntlrep.o wrctmp.o wrrmat.o asgnbins.o bldrepidx.o genrprt.o openrepin.o openrepout.o qarepin.o rdgrps.o rdrepin.o rdrprts.o repmrggrd.o repunits.o scanrepc.o selectsrc.o smkreport.o wrrephdr.o wrrepout.o rdssup.o aggwndw.o beld3to2.o bluesky2inv.o cemscan.o extractida.o gcntl4carb.o gentpro.o geofac.o invsplit.o layalloc.o metcombine.o metscan.o pktreduc.o smk2emis.o surgtool.o uam2ncf.o inlineto2d.o saregroup.o asgnsurg.o genagmat.o genggmat.o genlgmat.o genmgmat.o genpgmat.o grdmat.o opengmat.o rdsrg4grd.o setfrac.o sizgmat.o bldprocidx.o bldsrccell.o hourmet.o mbldmrgidx.o met4moves.o mgetmrgev.o minitstcy.o mmrgonams.o mmrgunits.o mmrgvnams.o mopenmrgin.o mopenmrgout.o movesmrg.o mwrmrgrep.o rdcfpro.o rdfmref.o rdmrclist.o rdspdist.o rdrpdemfacs.o rdrphemfacs.o rdrppemfacs.o rdrpvemfacs.o rdspdpro.o setrefcnty.o wrtemprof.o asgngrps.o elevpoint.o fire_plmris.o fire_postplm.o fire_preplm.o laypoint.o mxgrpemis.o openeout.o openlayout.o plmris.o plsprd.o plumesti.o postplm.o preplm.o rpelvcfg.o wpingstk.o adjustinv.o asgnar2pt.o asgnnhapx.o chklstfl.o fixstk.o formlist.o genmedsout.o genpdout.o gethdr.o getpdinfo.o grwinven.o initinfo.o opengrwout.o openinvin.o openinvout.o openpdout.o procar2pt.o procinven.o procinvsrcs.o rdcempd.o rdcemsum.o rddataff10ar.o rddataff10mb.o rddataff10pt.o rddatamedspt.o rddatantiar.o rddatantifr.o rddatantimb.o rddatantinp.o rddatantipt.o rdemspd.o rdff10pd.o rdgrdapi.o rdgrdncf.o rdinvdata.o rdinvsrcs.o rdlooppd.o rdmedsinfo.o rdmedspd.o rdorlfr.o rdsrcff10ar.o rdsrcff10mb.o rdsrcff10pt.o rdsrcmedspt.o rdsrcntiar.o rdsrcntifr.o rdsrcntimb.o rdsrcntinp.o rdsrcntipt.o setnonhap.o smkinven.o srcmem.o wrepinven.o wrinvchr.o wrinvemis.o wrinvpol.o wrpdemis.o wrptref.o allocmrg.o bldmrgidx.o getmrgev.o initstcy.o mrgasciielev.o mrgbio.o mrgelev.o mrggrid.o mrgmult.o mrgonams.o mrgunits.o mrgvnams.o openmrgin.o openmrgout.o rdmrginv.o setoutdate.o smkmerge.o wmrgelev.o wmrgemis.o wrmrgrep.o mrgpt.o asgnspro.o asgntag.o chknonhap.o opensmat.o rdcombo.o rdtag.o spcmat.o asgntpro.o genhemis.o mktmat.o opentmp.o opentmpin.o proctpro.o setdaylt.o temporal.o tmnamunt.o updtmat.o wrtsup.o normbeis3   tmpbeis3    cntlmat     smkreport   grdmat movesmrg    met4moves   laypoint    elevpoint   smkinven grwinven    smkmerge    mrggrid     mrgelev     spcmat temporal    mrgpt aggwndw     beld3to2    bluesky2inv cemscan     extractida geofac      invsplit    metcombine  metscan     pktreduc smk2emis    surgtool    uam2ncf     gentpro     gcntl4carb layalloc    inlineto2d  saregroup modar2pt.mod modbeis3.mod modbiog.mod modcntrl.mod moddayhr.mod modelev.mod modemfac.mod modgrid.mod modinfo.mod modlists.mod modmbset.mod modmerge.mod modmet.mod modmobil.mod modmvsmrg.mod modrepbn.mod modreprt.mod modsourc.mod modspro.mod modstcy.mod modsurg.mod modtag.mod modtmprl.mod modxref.mod modgrdlib.mod appendname.mod chkfileset.mod chksetdesc.mod cleanup.mod closeset.mod createset.mod descset.mod modfileset.mod openset.mod promptset.mod readset.F writeset.F libemmod.a libsmoke.a libfileset.a
[everdaniel@smoke2 src]$ make
cd /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/../Linux2_x86_64ifort;  ifort -auto -warn notruncated_source -Bstatic -static-intel -I/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/ioapi/ioapi/fixed_src -I/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/inc -I/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/ioapi/Linux2_x86_64ifort                 -extend-source 132 -zero                          -O3 -unroll -stack-temps -safe-cray-ptr -convert big_endian -assume byterecl  -traceback -xHost                                    -DAUTO_ARRAYS=1 -DF90=1 -DFLDMN=1 -DFSTR_L=int -DIOAPI_NO_STDOUT=1 -DAVOID_FLUSH=1 -DBIT32=1 -c /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(44): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file.  Check INCLUDE paths.   [MODXREF]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #7397: The argument of the ALLOCATED inquiry intrinsic function should have the ALLOCATABLE attribute.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #6830: The argument of the ALLOCATED intrinsic cannot be a constant or an expression.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(65): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT09]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(68): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT08]
        ALLOCATE( ARPT08( J,3 ), STAT=IOS )
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(70): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT08]
        ARPT08 = IMISS3    ! array
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(73): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT09]
        ALLOCATE( ARPT09( J,3 ), STAT=IOS )
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(75): error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name.   [ARPT09]
        ARPT09 = IMISS3    ! array
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(44): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not accessible.   [ARPT08]
/home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f(44): error #6580: Name in only-list does not exist or is not accessible.   [ARPT09]
compilation aborted for /home/everdaniel/4.8.1/subsys/smoke/src/lib/alocatbl.f (code 1)
make: *** [alocatbl.o] Error 1

I’m also not seeing the modref.mod file you mentioned (after running make):

[everdaniel@smoke2 src]$ ls -l ../Linux2_x86_64ifort/ | grep modref
[everdaniel@smoke2 src]$

Oops – typo: should have asked about modxref.mod

Hi @ever.barreto
Were you able to track down modxref.mod and run 31 days consecutively?

Hi @chef very sorry for the delayed response, I was not able to run SMOKE for 31 days, I’m able to run the model for 5~7 days at a time so I ended up running for every 5 days.