Some questions about using different resolution OMI file in CMAQ5.3.2

For the CMAQ OMI file with 719X1441 resolution, format statements may cause daily data to not be written on one line.

Please make and test the below changes to PREP/create_omi/src/module_utilities.f. The exact line numbers may be off based on your text editor but I hope that you understand these suggestions.

  1. Change lines 268 and 269 to

    550   format(a19,3600001f7.2)
    555   format(f10.4,f7.1,3600001i7)
  2. Change lines 647 and 648 to

    550   Format(2(a,tr1),3600001(f7.2,tr1))
    555   Format(f9.4,tr1,f7.1,tr1,3600001(i7,tr1))