Two-way-wrf-cmaq install error

I am new user of wrf-cmaq. The wrf and cmaq both seperately runs ok, but when I coupled the wrf and cmaq, an error happened. I am using the wrf3.8 and cmaq5.2 version, and downloaded the “WRF3.8_CMAQ5.2_TwoWay_Model.tar.gz”.
I installed the wrf3.8-cmaq5.2 following the instructions, but when I run command “two-way/assemble”, the error of “ls: No match” comes and then nothing happened.

Please help me to figure it out if you know this.
Many thanks!

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest released versions.
WRFv4.1.1 and CMAQv5.3

Have you solved the problem?

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