The U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, General Dynamics Information Technology and the Community Modeling and Analysis System Center are pleased to announce the release of the Visualization Environment for Rich Data Interpretation (VERDI) version 2.1.6
REPLACE ALL PRIOR versions of VERDI with this version.
- Updated netCDF-Java to version 5.5.3 (Release v5.3.3 · Unidata/netcdf-java · GitHub)
The following new features were added:
Visualize differences between time-independent model files #341
Reading netCDF files with unconventional dimension names #344
Calculate layer (sum and mean) statistics for all layers or a subset of layers chosen in the dataset panel followed by creation of a new tile plot. #345
The following issues were fixed:
- Incorrect values for probed grid cells for statistics “maximum 8hr mean” in tile plot #325
- Batch script does not turn off column/row labels and legends as specified in the configuration file #347
VERDI 2.1.5 (previous release)
- Updated OpenJDK to version java 21.0.1 2023-10-17 LTS to fix security vulnerability.
The following new features were added:
- Open and display a MPAS Mesh File #324
- Documentation on how to visualize fine scale model output datafiles with GIS layers
- Support sub-domain on a Vertical Cross Section Plot from the command line #326
The following issues were fixed:
- Save tile plot as shapefile from GUI #322
- MPAS scatterplot tool from GUI #255
- Saving and Opening a Project #318
- Read zgrid variable from MPAS using VERDI CLI #257
The following enhancement was made #200:
- VERDI saves color values using six digit hex color codes to a saved configuration file and reads configure files using either 32 bit integer codes or the hex color codes.
The following features were deprecated:
- Disabled Domain Window including “Metadata Me” #320
VERDI 2.1.4 (previous release)
*Updated OpenJDK to version 17.0.2 to fix security vulnerability: OpenJDK Vulnerability Advisory: 2021/10/19
- Ability to display 3-D contour plot #184, #304
- Ability to display “zgrid” tile plot for MPAS dataset #257
- Allow user to modify scatter plot dot size #260
- Allow animate plot to be exported as .mp4 movie format #270
- Fix Tile Plot Legend Placement #307
- Allow tabbed panes that were closed to be reopened #285
VERDI 2.1.3 (previous release)
- Updated VERDI to log4j 2.17.1 to fix security vulnerability: Log4j – Apache Log4j 2
VERDI 2.1.2 (previous release)
- Updated VERDI to log4j 2.17.0 to fix security vulnerability: Log4j – Apache Log4j 2
- Fixed linux build to use openjdk 16.0.2 2021-07-20.
- Re-enabled the splash screen with automatic version numbering.
- The User Manual for VERDI has not been updated. It will be updated for the next Major Release.
VERDI 2.1.1 (previous release)
- release to patch and upgrade VERDI with log4j 2.0.16 to remove message lookup capability to eliminate the log4shell security vulnerability: Log4j – Apache Log4j Security Vulnerabilities
- Fixed Polar Stereographic Projection Issue for Tile Plot Display of WRF Files.
VERDI 2.1 (previous release)
- Enhanced user interface and interactive features related to observation overlays (e.g., preview feature, custom symbols)
- Added support for setting legend levels from a batch script.
- Improved error messaging (when an observation data set does not contain data for the map being shown)
- Updated Java Runtime Environment to OpenJDK 16.02
VERDI uses Java, which makes it easy to install and is portable across different operating systems. VERDI packages are distributed for Windows, Linux, and Mac.
VERDI development continues with the support of efforts of the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA’s National Computer Center/Environmental Modeling and Visualization Laboratory and the CMAS Center.
Please report any bugs or problems with this release to the CMAS User Forum - with the VERDI category tag: VERDI - CMAS CENTER FORUM