I am not sure that it is a bug or not but when I use a configuration with Logarithm. The VERDI is not taking maximum value.
As soon as I changed a configuration to LINEAR, it is working well.
I am not sure that it is a bug or not but when I use a configuration with Logarithm. The VERDI is not taking maximum value.
As soon as I changed a configuration to LINEAR, it is working well.
Thank you for reporting this issue of an incorrect maximum value being used for the legend maximum when creating tile plots using a saved configuration file that uses a logarithmic scale type.
The maximum value for the legend is improperly displaying two identical values obtained from the last Step Value when the scaleType=“LOGARITHM”, but it correctly uses the max=“1.818263” value when scaleType=“LINEAR”.
Example script:
verdi -f $cwd/Airport_bos_1km_UNC_IFF_20170701.cb6_LTO_PM_FINE.ncf \
-configFile $cwd/test_log.cfg.txt \
-s "PM_FINE[1]" \
-layer 7 \
-g tile
test_log_scale_reset_to_linear.cfg.txt (7.6 KB)
test_log.cfg.txt (7.6 KB)
The example file has been uploaded here: The extension on this file has been changed to txt to allow the upload, but it needs to be renamed with the .ncf extension to be used in the script above.
Airport_bos_1km_UNC_IFF_20170701.cb6_LTO_PM_FINE.ncf.txt (2.4 MB)
Note, changing the scaleType=“LOGARITHM” to scaleType=“LINEAR” fixes the max value used in the legend, but it does not give an accurate log plot, as the values are no longer log scaled.
Section of the configuration file including the
<ColorMap intervalType="AUTOMATIC" scaleType="LOGARITHM" logBase="10.0" paletteType="SEQUENTIAL" min="-10.387472" max="1.818263">
<Format type="anl.verdi.plot.util.PrintfNumberFormat" pattern="-2.3f" />
<Scale description="Color Scale">
Example of plot created when the config file was edited to use scaleType=“LINEAR”
verdi -f $cwd/Airport_bos_1km_UNC_IFF_20170701.cb6_LTO_PM_FINE.ncf \
-configFile $cwd/test_log2.cfg.txt \
-s "PM_FINE[1]" \
-layer 7 \
-g tile
Create plot and then use Configure Plot to select Logarithmic scale.
verdi -f $cwd/Airport_bos_1km_UNC_IFF_20170701.cb6_LTO_PM_FINE.ncf \
-s "PM_FINE[1]"\
-g tile
Tile Plot with correct legend scale maximum and correct logarithmic scale applied to the data that is created when you use the Configure Menu option to select log scale via the gui.
Users need to be able to load configuration files to generate lots of plots.