AERO5 mechanism - Computing PM10 and PM2.5

Hello to every one,

I’m trying to find the Species definition file for the Aero 5 mechanism, but so far I had only found the file for Aero 6 and 7 in the Github repository. In the older versions of CMAQ where Aero 5 was still used, there is no Species definition file in the MECHS folder.

Does anyone have the equation for calculating PM10 and PM2.5 for Aero 5? Or you think using the ones in the Aero 6 file instead is a good approximation?


This spec_def.conc file from the CMAQv4.7.1 release may be useful, though you will want to check that the aerosol species listed in it match what you have available in your output files. Ignore the cvs header / footer information in lines 1 - 33 and 246 - 254.

Thank you so much!! This is what I was looking for.