I am running Annual_afdust_adj_4UDAQ_2017gb_17j.csh from the 2017 platform. I have already run Annual_afdust_4UDAQ_2017gb_17j.csh without errors. My episode (with spinup) goes from June 5 to July 31 2017. I only have MCIP files for these dates. The apply.precip script errors and crashes because it appears to be searching for a June 01 2017 MCIP file (does not exist). Is there a way I can force the script to run only for my episode length? Do I need to update my smk_merge_dates txt files to include only days in my episode?
setenv RUN_MONTHS “7”
setenv BASE_YEAR “2017”
setenv EPI_STDATE_TIME “$BASE_YEAR-07-01 00:00:00.0”
setenv EPI_ENDATE_TIME “$BASE_YEAR-07-31 23:59:00.0”
setenv L_TYPE “all”
setenv M_TYPE “all”
(SMOKE 4.7)
This can be done for onroad with the run settings file. For example, to skip the first 20 days of June 2016:
onroad, 12US1, movesmrg, PART4, 06/01/2016, 06/20/2016, N
Other sectors besides onroad work much the same way, except the run settings would say “smkmerge” instead of “movesmrg”.
I didn’t fill in the sector as afdust here because I wasn’t sure if it should be afdust_adj or not, but I think you can work that out.
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Thanks! I gave this a try and am still receiving the same error message: *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine APPLY_PRECIP_ADJ Could not open file “METCRO2D” for reading
It’s still seeking “METCRO2D_170601”
Before testing with the updated run_settings file, I cleared all the data in my afdust intermed folder. Then I ran afdust, followed by afdust_adj. Here are the lines I added to run_settings:
Sector, Grid, Environment Variable Name, Part, Start Date, End Date, Value
It seems the afdust adjustments job uses different scripts, so use of the run settings file isn’t supported for that particular script. Instead, at the bottom of the script that runs the afdust adjustments (Annual_afdust_adj_12US1_…), change:
$RUNSCRIPTS/emf/afdust_adj_emf_customdates.csh $REGION_ABBREV -m “$RUN_MONTHS” $SPINUP_DURATION
That should automatically skip any day where there is not a METCRO2D.
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