Announcing the release of AMET 1.4 (August, 2019)
The U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development and the Community Modeling and Analysis System are pleased to announce the release of the Atmospheric Model Evaluation Tool (AMET).
New features in AMET version 1.4 include:
- Streamlined database query function for AMET-AQ
- Improved error handling for missing data
- Simplified process for adding new AQ networks/species
- New interactive HTML R plots using the leaflet and dyGraphs R packages
- Added support for global TOAR and NOAA ESRL networks
- Ability to process and analyze AQ data without the database present
- Improved batch scripting for AQ analysis
- New WRF/MPAS upper-air rawinsonde analysis
- New WRF/MPAS surface shortwave radiation analysis
- New WRF/MPAS PRISM rainfall analysis
- New 2-m moisture time series comparison with RH
- Fixed MADIS download when file is not on FTP server
- Site metadata improved to include state and elevation
- Improve speed of database population
Please report any bugs or problems with this release to the CMAS User Forum, using the AMET category tag: