Append 3 ncf files into one using ioapi

Hi all,

I am running SMOKE RPS for 3 months individually. Afterwards, I need to merge them into one. Here are the three files:

  1. mgts_l.rateperstart.20230201.28.us12.nctox.ncf
  2. mgts_l.rateperstart.20230301.31.us12.nctox.ncf
  3. mgts_l.rateperstart.20230401.30.us12.nctox.ncf
    I want to combine all 3 and make a new file incorporating entire time stamp. All of them have same variables and units but different times.
    What ioapi tool I have to use to do that? Thank you for your help.


The easiest way is probably M3Tools program m3cple 3 times (for your case) and answer the prompts, running first for the 20230201.28 file as input, then for the 20230301.31 one, and finally for 20230401.30 one. You’ll need synchfile NONE, the same outfile for all three runs, and answer the grid-interpolation prompt as SAME.

We don’t normally run SMOKE to create a single output file for the same month.

With that said, the m3xtract utility can be used to append one file onto another.

Also, some of your files reference the nctox case. This has been retired.

EPA has more current scripts and input data available for various here from