Merge emission files

Hi teachers, I’ve already processed different sectors by SMOKE and got files like “energy.ncf”,“agriculture.ncf” and so on. I tried to merge these files with mrggrid program but encountered some problems.

smk_mrgall_nctox.csh (2.5 KB)
(AGTS_L NGTS_L BGTS_L paths are consistent with /assigns/setmerge_files.scr)

I checked the OUTFILE path and there is no file exist there. I am wondering is there any other methods could be used to merge emission files rather than this? I used cdo add to merge files but dimentions and variables changed and CCTM could not open merged file.

OUTFILE is meant to be the name of a file (possibly including a path), not only a path.

If /public/home/jiabh/YZD/app/smoke_new/data/run_HEMI_108k/output is an existing path, you would need to change setenv OUTFILE /public/home/jiabh/YZD/app/smoke_new/data/run_HEMI_108k/output #$EGTS_L to setenv OUTFILE /public/home/jiabh/YZD/app/smoke_new/data/run_HEMI_108k/output/$EGTS_L (if EGTS_L was properly set up through your ASSIGNS file), or just something like setenv OUTFILE /public/home/jiabh/YZD/app/smoke_new/data/run_HEMI_108k/output/

Thank you so much! I resolved this problem.