C-LINE and its mathematical model

Good evening, I would like to know what mathematical model C-LINE uses.

Hi Javier,

Please review these papers.

A near-road modeling system for community-scale assessments of traffic-related air pollution in the United States


RLINE: A line source dispersion model for near-surface releases


A web-based screening tool for near-port air quality assessments


In the near-port paper the following statement is made:

“The algorithm for line sources is based on the analytical approximation for line sources (Venkatram and Horst, 2006), consistent with the US EPA research model for line sources R-LINE (Snyder et al., 2013). Algorithms for stationary and area sources are similar to AERMOD (Cimorelli et al., 2005), but optimized for computational efficiency to allow user interaction with the web-based modeling simulations in real-time. For example, C-PORT provides an initial parameterization of both meteorological (using National Weather Service data) and emissions data (based on spatially-allocated emissions values from EPA’s National Emissions Inventory) to facilitate the creation of dispersion scenarios.”

The authors of these papers may be able to provide additional details.
