CAMx model IC/BC preparation

Hi everyone!
I want to prepare the IC/BC files for CAMx model, anybody please suggest what steps I have to follow
I tried to compile mozart2camx_v3.2.3 and I am getting the following error,

pgf90 -mcmodel=medium -O2 -pc 64 -Mdalign -Mnoframe -byteswapio -Mlfs -Bstatic_pgi -I/usr/local/ioapi-3.1/ioapi/fixed_src -I/usr/local/netcdf-4.0/include -o S07TC_AE6__CAMCHEM pspgeo.f mozart2camx.f -L/usr/local/ioapi-3.1/Linux2_x86_64 -lioapi -lnetcdf
NVFORTRAN-S-0017-Unable to open include file: PARMS3.EXT (mozart2camx.f: 86)
NVFORTRAN-S-0017-Unable to open include file: FDESC3.EXT (mozart2camx.f: 87)
NVFORTRAN-S-0017-Unable to open include file: IODECL3.EXT (mozart2camx.f: 88)
NVFORTRAN-S-0310-Adjustable array can not have automatic bounds specifiers - cmaq_half_sigma_lvl (mozart2camx.f: 16)
NVFORTRAN-S-0038-Symbol, mxlays3, has not been explicitly declared (mozart2camx.f)
NVFORTRAN-S-0310-Adjustable array can not have automatic bounds specifiers - cmaq_sigma_lvl (mozart2camx.f: 17)
0 inform, 0 warnings, 6 severes, 0 fatal for mozart2camx
make: *** [S07TC_AE6__CAMCHEM] Error 2


It seems that there is a problem with your IOAPI include path where these EXT files should be put. Please carefully check the directory where these EXT files are located then revise the Makefile accordingly.
Try “find ./ -name IODECL3.EXT” to locate these files then change Makefile.