CCTM running error in CMAQv5.0.2

When I was running cctm in domain 2, I got this error.
The model starts running with 1x13=13 cores.

 File "OMI" opened for input on unit:  93

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine O3TOTCOL on PE 000
 Requested date is beyond available data on OMI file:  <0:00:00   July 28, 2013
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   June 15, 2018
 Total column ozone will be estimated from the corresponding Julian Day
 of the last available year on the OMI input file:0:00:00   June 15, 2013 <<---<<

application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0) - process 9
111.790u 2.040s 0:08.81 1292.0% 0+0k 0+352288io 0pf+0w
Tue Jun 30 15:50:53 KST 2020

I thought it was an error in MPI, so I ran the core differently(110=10. 26=12, 4*5=20 etc…).
However, the errors were all the same.

When I ran with 1x1=1 core, I got this error.

ERROR: Max number of EBI time step reductions exceeded
Convergence failure for cell ( 54, 3, 1)
Convergence failure for the following species:

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine HRSOLVER on PE 000        
 ERROR: Stopping because of EBI convergence failures
 Date and time 0:00:00   June 15, 2018  (2018166:000000)

application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0) - process 0
58.030u 0.404s 0:58.51 99.8% 0+0k 0+351152io 0pf+0w
Tue Jun 30 15:23:25 KST 2020

I don’t know why I got the error.
Someone could help me how can I do? Thanks in advance.

Try again by reducing value of CTM_MAXSYNC in your run script. Hope this helps.

Since it appears that the error is happening in the very first time step, it is likely not a chemistry issue. The model is aborting in the chemistry process, but there is probably bad data being fed to it. Look at the lines with “after” in your main log file. You should see checksums for total gas, aerosol, and nonreactive species after each science process. Are any of these becoming NaN or Infinity?

I set the CTM_MAXSYNC to 60, and I ran it around, but I can’t.

I set it up like this.

setenv CTM_MAXSYNC 720 #> max sync time step (sec) [default: 720]
setenv CTM_MINSYNC 60 #> min sync time step (sec) [default: 60]
setenv CTM_CKSUM Y #> write cksum report [ default: Y ]
setenv CLD_DIAG N #> write cloud diagnostic file [ default: N ]
setenv CTM_AERDIAG N #> aerosol diagnostic file [ default: N ]
setenv CTM_PHOTDIAG N #> photolysis diagnostic file [ default: N ]
setenv CTM_SSEMDIAG N #> sea-salt emissions diagnostic file [ default: N ]
setenv CTM_WB_DUST Y #> use inline windblown dust emissions [ default: Y ]
setenv CTM_ERODE_AGLAND N #> use agricultural activity for windblown dust [ default: N ]; ignore if CTM_WB_DUST = N
setenv CTM_DUSTEM_DIAG N #> windblown dust emissions diagnostic file [ default: N ]; ignore if CTM_WB_DUST = N
setenv CTM_LTNG_NO N #> turn on lightning NOx [ default: N ]
setenv CTM_WVEL Y #> save derived vertical velocity component to conc file [ default: N ]
setenv KZMIN Y #> use Min Kz option in edyintb [ default: Y ], otherwise revert to Kz0UT
setenv CTM_ILDEPV Y #> calculate in-line deposition velocities [ default: Y ]
setenv CTM_MOSAIC N #> landuse specific deposition velocities [ default: N ]
setenv CTM_ABFLUX N #> Ammonia bi-directional flux for in-line deposition velocities [ default: N ]; ignore if CTM_ILDEPV = N
setenv CTM_HGBIDI N #> Mercury bi-directional flux for in-line deposition velocities [ default: N ]; ignore if CTM_ILDEPV = N
setenv CTM_SFC_HONO Y #> Surface HONO interaction [ default: Y ]; ignore if CTM_ILDEPV = N
setenv CTM_DEPV_FILE N #> write diagnostic file for deposition velocities [ default: N ]
setenv CTM_BIOGEMIS N #> calculate in-line biogenic emissions [ default: N ]
setenv B3GTS_DIAG N #> write biogenic mass emissions diagnostic file [ default: N ]; ignore if CTM_BIOGEMIS = N
setenv CTM_PT3DEMIS N #> calculate in-line plume rise for elevated point emissions [ default: N ]
setenv PT3DDIAG Y #> optional 3d point source emissions diagnostic file [ default: N]; ignore if CTM_PT3DEMIS = N
setenv PT3DFRAC N #> optional layer fractions diagnostic (play) file(s) [ default: N]; ignore if CTM_PT3DEMIS = N
setenv IOAPI_LOG_WRITE F #> turn on excess WRITE3 logging [ options: T | F ]
setenv FL_ERR_STOP N #> stop on inconsistent input files
setenv PROMPTFLAG F #> turn on I/O-API PROMPT*FILE interactive mode [ options: T | F ]
setenv IOAPI_OFFSET_64 NO #> support large timestep records (>2GB/timestep record) [ options: YES | NO ]
setenv EXECUTION_ID $EXEC #> define the model execution id

You have set CTM_CKSUM, so process checksums are computed and output to the main log file. Look for lines with the word “after” in the main log file–that may tell you where the problem is occurring.
Alternatively, since the crash occurs very early in your model run, the log file isn’t too big, so go ahead and post the entire log file.

This is log file.

 This program uses the EPA-AREAL/MCNC-EnvPgms/BAMS Models-3      
 I/O Applications Programming Interface, [I/O API] which is      
 built on top of the netCDF I/O library (Copyright 1993, 1996    
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata         
 Program) and the PVM parallel-programming library (from         
 Oak Ridge National Laboratory).  Copyright (C) 1992-2002 MCNC   
 and Carlie J. Coats, Jr., and 2003-2006 Baron Advanced          
 Meteorological Systems, LLC and released under the GNU LGPL     
 License, version 2.1.  See URL                                  
 for conditions of use.                                          
 Library release tag: $JDate: 2010068 $                          
 $Id: @(#) ioapi library version 3.1 $
 Version with PARMS3.EXT/PARAMETER::MXVARS3= 2048
 netCDF version 4.1.3 of Mar 30 2015 17:28:43 $
 EXECUTION_ID: CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi
 Value for GRID_NAME:  '02'

 File "GRIDDESC" opened for input on unit:  98

 Value for NPCOL_NPROW:  '1 9'
 Value for IOAPI_CHECK_HEADERS not defined;returning default:   FALSE
 "MET_CRO_3D" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/mcip/d02_2018166/METCRO3D_d02_2018166"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "mcip"
 Grid name "METCRO_02_CROSS"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 14 vbles
 NetCDF ID:     65536  opened as READONLY            
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number      1105

 GC Species Namelist: 


 AE Species Namelist: 


 NR Species Namelist: 


 TR Species Namelist: 

Value for CONC_SPCS not defined; returning defaultval ': ‘VARLIST’

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine GET_ENVLIST
 Environment variable CONC_SPCS                        not set
 Value for CONC_BLEV_ELEV not defined; returning defaultval ':  'VARLIST'
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine GET_ENVLIST
 Environment variable CONC_BLEV_ELEV                   not set
 Value for AVG_CONC_SPCS:  'ALL'
 Value for ACONC_BLEV_ELEV:  ' 1 1'
 Value for CTM_WVEL:  Y returning TRUE
 Value for CTM_TSTEP:  10000
 Value for CTM_PROGNAME not defined; returning defaultval ':  'DRIVER'
 Main Program Name                                                               
 Environment variable not set ... Using default:                                                        62
 Value for CTM_STDATE:  2018166
 Value for CTM_STTIME:  0
 Value for CTM_RUNLEN:  11040000
 "GRID_CRO_2D" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/mcip/d02_2018166/GRIDCRO2D_d02_2018166"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "mcip"
 Grid name "GRIDOUT_02_CROSS"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 1 lays, 31 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    131072  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 "INIT_GASC_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/icon/org_d02_2018-07/ICON_org_d02_2018-07_m3conc_saprc99_ae5"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "ICON_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 140 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    196608  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.

 IC/BC Factors used for transported gas-phase species
   1  NO2                1.0000    
   2  NO                 1.0000    
   3  O3P                1.0000    
   4  O3                 1.0000    
   5  NO3                1.0000    
   6  N2O5               1.0000    
   7  HNO3               1.0000    
   8  O1D2               1.0000    
   9  HO                 1.0000    
  10  HONO               1.0000    
  11  HO2                1.0000    
  12  CO                 1.0000    
  13  HNO4               1.0000    
  14  HO2H               1.0000    
  15  SO2                1.0000    
  16  SULF               1.0000    
 No IC found for species SULRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
  17  C_O2               1.0000    
  18  HCHO               1.0000    
  19  COOH               1.0000    
  20  MEOH               1.0000    
  21  RO2_R              1.0000    
  22  ROOH               1.0000    
  23  R2O2               1.0000    
  24  RO2_N              1.0000    
  25  RNO3               1.0000    
  26  MEK                1.0000    
  27  PROD2              1.0000    
  28  CCO_O2             1.0000    
  29  PAN                1.0000    
  30  CCO_OOH            1.0000    
  31  CCO_OH             1.0000    
  32  RCO_O2             1.0000    
  33  PAN2               1.0000    
  34  CCHO               1.0000    
  35  RCO_OOH            1.0000    
  36  RCO_OH             1.0000    
  37  BZCO_O2            1.0000    
  38  PBZN               1.0000    
  39  BZ_O               1.0000    
  40  MA_RCO3            1.0000    
  41  MA_PAN             1.0000    
  42  TBU_O              1.0000    
  43  ACET               1.0000    
  44  NPHE               1.0000    
  45  PHEN               1.0000    
  46  BZNO2_O            1.0000    
  47  HOCOO              1.0000    
  48  HCOOH              1.0000    
  49  RCHO               1.0000    
  50  GLY                1.0000    
  51  MGLY               1.0000    
  52  BACL               1.0000    
  53  CRES               1.0000    
  54  BALD               1.0000    
  55  METHACRO           1.0000    
  56  MVK                1.0000    
  57  ISOPROD            1.0000    
  58  DCB1               1.0000    
  59  DCB2               1.0000    
  60  DCB3               1.0000    
  61  ETHENE             1.0000    
  62  ISOPRENE           1.0000    
 No IC found for species ISOPRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
  63  TRP1               1.0000    
 No IC found for species TRPRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
  64  ALK1               1.0000    
  65  ALK2               1.0000    
  66  ALK3               1.0000    
  67  ALK4               1.0000    
  68  ALK5               1.0000    
 No IC found for species ALK5RXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
  69  ARO1               1.0000    
  70  ARO1RO2            1.0000    
 No IC found for species TOLNRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
 No IC found for species TOLHRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
  71  ARO2               1.0000    
  72  ARO2RO2            1.0000    
 No IC found for species XYLNRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
 No IC found for species XYLHRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
  73  BENZENE            1.0000    
  74  BENZRO2            1.0000    
 No IC found for species BNZNRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
 No IC found for species BNZHRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30
  75  OLE1               1.0000    
  76  OLE2               1.0000    
  77  SESQ               1.0000    
 No IC found for species SESQRXN in INIT_GASC_1; set to 1.00E-30

 GC loaded into CGRID

 Density*Jacobian loaded into CGRID
 "INIT_AERO_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/icon/org_d02_2018-07/ICON_org_d02_2018-07_m3conc_saprc99_ae5"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "ICON_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 140 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    262144  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.

 IC/BC Factors used for transported aerosol species
  78  ASO4J              1.0000    
  79  ASO4I              1.0000    
  80  ANH4J              1.0000    
  81  ANH4I              1.0000    
  82  ANO3J              1.0000    
  83  ANO3I              1.0000    
  84  AALKJ              1.0000    
  85  AXYL1J             1.0000    
  86  AXYL2J             1.0000    
  87  AXYL3J             1.0000    
  88  ATOL1J             1.0000    
  89  ATOL2J             1.0000    
  90  ATOL3J             1.0000    
  91  ABNZ1J             1.0000    
  92  ABNZ2J             1.0000    
  93  ABNZ3J             1.0000    
  94  ATRP1J             1.0000    
  95  ATRP2J             1.0000    
  96  AISO1J             1.0000    
  97  AISO2J             1.0000    
  98  ASQTJ              1.0000    
  99  AORGCJ             1.0000    
 100  AORGPAJ            1.0000    
 101  AORGPAI            1.0000    
 102  AECJ               1.0000    
 103  AECI               1.0000    
 104  A25J               1.0000    
 No IC found for species A25I in INIT_AERO_1; set to 1.00E-30
 105  ACORS              1.0000    
 106  ASOIL              1.0000    
 107  NUMATKN            1.0000    
 108  NUMACC             1.0000    
 109  NUMCOR             1.0000    
 110  SRFATKN            1.0000    
 111  SRFACC             1.0000    
 112  SRFCOR             1.0000    
 113  AH2OJ              1.0000    
 114  AH2OI              1.0000    
 115  ANAJ               1.0000    
 No IC found for species ANAI in INIT_AERO_1; set to 1.00E-30
 116  ACLJ               1.0000    
 117  ACLI               1.0000    
 118  ANAK               1.0000    
 119  ACLK               1.0000    
 120  ASO4K              1.0000    
 121  ANH4K              1.0000    
 122  ANO3K              1.0000    
 123  AH2OK              1.0000    
 124  AISO3J             1.0000    
 125  AOLGAJ             1.0000    
 126  AOLGBJ             1.0000    

 AE loaded into CGRID
 "INIT_NONR_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/icon/org_d02_2018-07/ICON_org_d02_2018-07_m3conc_saprc99_ae5"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "ICON_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 140 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    327680  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.

 IC/BC Factors used for transported non-reactive gas species
 127  NH3                1.0000    
 128  HCL                1.0000    
 129  SV_ALK             1.0000    
 130  SV_XYL1            1.0000    
 131  SV_XYL2            1.0000    
 132  SV_TOL1            1.0000    
 133  SV_TOL2            1.0000    
 134  SV_BNZ1            1.0000    
 135  SV_BNZ2            1.0000    
 136  SV_TRP1            1.0000    
 137  SV_TRP2            1.0000    
 138  SV_ISO1            1.0000    
 139  SV_ISO2            1.0000    
 140  SV_SQT             1.0000    

 NR loaded into CGRID
 CTM_CONC_1      :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.CONC.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 Could not open CTM_CONC_1 for update - try to open new

   Conc File Header Description:
 => Concentration file output
 => From CMAQ model dyn alloc version CTM
 => Set of variables (possibly) reduced from CGRID
 => For next scenario continuation runs,
 => use the "one-step" CGRID file
 => Layer  1 to  1
 => Layer  2 to  2
 => Layer  3 to  3
 => Layer  4 to  4
 => Layer  5 to  5
 => Layer  6 to  6
 => Layer  7 to  7
 => Layer  8 to  8
 => Layer  9 to  9
 => Layer 10 to 10
 => Layer 11 to 11
 => Layer 12 to 12
 => Layer 13 to 13
 => Layer 14 to 14
 => Layer 15 to 15
 => Layer 16 to 16
 => Layer 17 to 17
 => Layer 18 to 18
 => Layer 19 to 19
 => Layer 20 to 20
 => Layer 21 to 21
 => Layer 22 to 22
 => Layer 23 to 23
 => Layer 24 to 24
 => Layer 25 to 25
 => Layer 26 to 26
 => Layer 27 to 27
 => Layer 28 to 28
 => Layer 29 to 29
 => Layer 30 to 30

 Gas Chem species saved to CONC file:
 Value for IOAPI_LOG_WRITE:  F returning FALSE
    1 (  1) NO2
    2 (  2) NO
    3 (  3) O3P
    4 (  4) O3
    5 (  5) NO3
    6 (  6) N2O5
    7 (  7) HNO3
    8 (  8) O1D2
    9 (  9) HO
   10 ( 10) HONO
   11 ( 11) HO2
   12 ( 12) CO
   13 ( 13) HNO4
   14 ( 14) HO2H
   15 ( 15) SO2
   16 ( 16) SULF
   17 ( 17) C_O2
   18 ( 18) HCHO
   19 ( 19) COOH
   20 ( 20) MEOH
   21 ( 21) RO2_R
   22 ( 22) ROOH
   23 ( 23) R2O2
   24 ( 24) RO2_N
   25 ( 25) RNO3
   26 ( 26) MEK
   27 ( 27) PROD2
   28 ( 28) CCO_O2
   29 ( 29) PAN
   30 ( 30) CCO_OOH
   31 ( 31) CCO_OH
   32 ( 32) RCO_O2
   33 ( 33) PAN2
   34 ( 34) CCHO
   35 ( 35) RCO_OOH
   36 ( 36) RCO_OH
   37 ( 37) BZCO_O2
   38 ( 38) PBZN
   39 ( 39) BZ_O
   40 ( 40) MA_RCO3
   41 ( 41) MA_PAN
   42 ( 42) TBU_O
   43 ( 43) ACET
   44 ( 44) NPHE
   45 ( 45) PHEN
   46 ( 46) BZNO2_O
   47 ( 47) HOCOO
   48 ( 48) HCOOH
   49 ( 49) RCHO
   50 ( 50) GLY
   51 ( 51) MGLY
   52 ( 52) BACL
   53 ( 53) CRES
   54 ( 54) BALD
   55 ( 55) METHACRO
   56 ( 56) MVK
   57 ( 57) ISOPROD
   58 ( 58) DCB1
   59 ( 59) DCB2
   60 ( 60) DCB3
   61 ( 61) ETHENE
   62 ( 62) ISOPRENE
   63 ( 63) TRP1
   64 ( 64) ALK1
   65 ( 65) ALK2
   66 ( 66) ALK3
   67 ( 67) ALK4
   68 ( 68) ALK5
   69 ( 69) ARO1
   70 ( 70) ARO1RO2
   71 ( 71) ARO2
   72 ( 72) ARO2RO2
   73 ( 73) BENZENE
   74 ( 74) BENZRO2
   75 ( 75) OLE1
   76 ( 76) OLE2
   77 ( 77) SESQ

 Aerosol species saved to CONC file:
    1 ( 78) ASO4J
    2 ( 79) ASO4I
    3 ( 80) ANH4J
    4 ( 81) ANH4I
    5 ( 82) ANO3J
    6 ( 83) ANO3I
    7 ( 84) AALKJ
    8 ( 85) AXYL1J
    9 ( 86) AXYL2J
   10 ( 87) AXYL3J
   11 ( 88) ATOL1J
   12 ( 89) ATOL2J
   13 ( 90) ATOL3J
   14 ( 91) ABNZ1J
   15 ( 92) ABNZ2J
   16 ( 93) ABNZ3J
   17 ( 94) ATRP1J
   18 ( 95) ATRP2J
   19 ( 96) AISO1J
   20 ( 97) AISO2J
   21 ( 98) ASQTJ
   22 ( 99) AORGCJ
   23 (100) AORGPAJ
   24 (101) AORGPAI
   25 (102) AECJ
   26 (103) AECI
   27 (104) A25J
   28 (105) ACORS
   29 (106) ASOIL
   30 (107) NUMATKN
   31 (108) NUMACC
   32 (109) NUMCOR
   33 (110) SRFATKN
   34 (111) SRFACC
   35 (112) SRFCOR
   36 (113) AH2OJ
   37 (114) AH2OI
   38 (115) ANAJ
   39 (116) ACLJ
   40 (117) ACLI
   41 (118) ANAK
   42 (119) ACLK
   43 (120) ASO4K
   44 (121) ANH4K
   45 (122) ANO3K
   46 (123) AH2OK
   47 (124) AISO3J
   48 (125) AOLGAJ
   49 (126) AOLGBJ

 Non-reactive species saved to CONC file:
    1 (127) NH3
    2 (128) HCL
    3 (129) SV_ALK
    4 (130) SV_XYL1
    5 (131) SV_XYL2
    6 (132) SV_TOL1
    7 (133) SV_TOL2
    8 (134) SV_BNZ1
    9 (135) SV_BNZ2
   10 (136) SV_TRP1
   11 (137) SV_TRP2
   12 (138) SV_ISO1
   13 (139) SV_ISO2
   14 (140) SV_SQT

Derived Vert Vel Comp species saved to CONC file: W_VEL

 Timestep written to CTM_CONC_1       for date and time  2018166:000000
 from timestep on initial data files for date and time  2018166:000000

after INITSCEN G 1.2127509E-01 A 7.7093043E+08 N 6.5386208E-05

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Start FLCHECK = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 Value for FL_ERR_STOP:  N returning FALSE
 Value for CTM_RUNLEN:  11040000
 "GRID_DOT_2D" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/mcip/d02_2018166/GRIDDOT2D_d02_2018166"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "mcip"
 Grid name "GRIDOUT_02_DOT"
 Dimensions: 80 rows, 68 cols, 1 lays, 9 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    393216  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 Checking header data for file: GRID_DOT_2D
 Checking header data for file: GRID_CRO_2D
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 "EMIS_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/SMOKEv3.5/data/run_saprc99_org_d02_2018-07/output/merge/egts_l.2018166.46.SMK.saprc99_org_d02_2018-07.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 23 lays, 56 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    458752  opened as READONLY            
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number      1104
 Checking header data for file: EMIS_1
 netCDF error number  -40
 Ending time not on file
 "OCEAN_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/ocean/FIP_LAND.EI_09_01.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Grid name "LAM_38N126"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 1 lays, 5 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    524288  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 Checking header data for file: OCEAN_1
 MET_BDY_2D      :MET_BDY_2D
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 "MET_BDY_3D" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/mcip/d02_2018166/METBDY3D_d02_2018166"
 File type BNDARY3 
 Execution ID "mcip"
 Grid name "METCRO_02_CROSS"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 14 vbles, 1 cells thick
 NetCDF ID:    589824  opened as READONLY            
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number      1105
 Checking header data for file: MET_BDY_3D
 "MET_DOT_3D" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/mcip/d02_2018166/METDOT3D_d02_2018166"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "mcip"
 Grid name "METDOT_02_DOT"
 Dimensions: 80 rows, 68 cols, 30 lays, 6 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    655360  opened as READONLY            
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number      1105
 Checking header data for file: MET_DOT_3D
 "MET_CRO_2D" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/mcip/d02_2018166/METCRO2D_d02_2018166"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "mcip"
 Grid name "METCRO_02_CROSS"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 1 lays, 34 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    720896  opened as READONLY            
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number      1105
 Checking header data for file: MET_CRO_2D
 Checking header data for file: MET_CRO_3D
 "CTM_CONC_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.CONC.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 141 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    786432  opened as VOLATILE READONLY   
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number         1
 Checking header data for file: CTM_CONC_1
 CTM_DRY_DEP_1   :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.DRYDEP.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_WET_DEP_1   :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.WETDEP1.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_WET_DEP_2   :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.WETDEP2.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_SSEMIS_1    :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.SSEMIS.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_DUST_EMIS_1 :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.DUSTEMIS.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_VIS_1       :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.AEROVIS.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_DIAM_1      :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.AERODIAM.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_IPR_1       :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.PA_1.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_IPR_2       :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.PA_2.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_IPR_3       :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.PA_3.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_IRR_1       :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.IRR_1.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_IRR_2       :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.IRR_2.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_IRR_3       :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.IRR_3.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 A_CONC_1        :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.ACONC.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 S_CGRID         :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.CGRID.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 Checking header data for file: INIT_GASC_1
 "BNDY_GASC_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/bcon/org_d02_2018-07/BCON_org_d02_2018-07_m3conc_saprc99_ae5"
 File type BNDARY3 
 Execution ID "BCON_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 140 vbles, 1 cells thick
 NetCDF ID:    851968  opened as READONLY            
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number       110
 Checking header data for file: BNDY_GASC_1
 Checking header data for file: INIT_AERO_1
 "BNDY_AERO_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/bcon/org_d02_2018-07/BCON_org_d02_2018-07_m3conc_saprc99_ae5"
 File type BNDARY3 
 Execution ID "BCON_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 140 vbles, 1 cells thick
 NetCDF ID:    917504  opened as READONLY            
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number       110
 Checking header data for file: BNDY_AERO_1
 Checking header data for file: INIT_NONR_1
 "BNDY_NONR_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/bcon/org_d02_2018-07/BCON_org_d02_2018-07_m3conc_saprc99_ae5"
 File type BNDARY3 
 Execution ID "BCON_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 140 vbles, 1 cells thick
 NetCDF ID:    983040  opened as READONLY            
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number       110
 Checking header data for file: BNDY_NONR_1
 "INIT_TRAC_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/icon/org_d02_2018-07/ICON_org_d02_2018-07_m3conc_saprc99_ae5"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "ICON_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 140 vbles
 NetCDF ID:   1048576  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 Checking header data for file: INIT_TRAC_1
 "BNDY_TRAC_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/bcon/org_d02_2018-07/BCON_org_d02_2018-07_m3conc_saprc99_ae5"
 File type BNDARY3 
 Execution ID "BCON_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi"
 Grid name "02"
 Dimensions: 79 rows, 67 cols, 30 lays, 140 vbles, 1 cells thick
 NetCDF ID:   1114112  opened as READONLY            
 Starting date and time  2018166:000000 (0:00:00   June 15, 2018)
 Timestep                          010000 (1:00:00 hh:mm:ss)
 Maximum current record number       110
 Checking header data for file: BNDY_TRAC_1
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_DEPV_DIAG   :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.DEPV.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_PT3D_DIAG   :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.PT3D.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_RJ_1        :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.PHOTDIAG1.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_RJ_2        :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.PHOTDIAG2.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 EMIS_A          :EMIS_A
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 EMIS_B          :EMIS_B
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 EMIS_M          :EMIS_M
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 EMIS_P          :EMIS_P
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 EMIS_N          :EMIS_N
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_SENS_1      :CTM_SENS_1
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 A_SENS_1        :A_SENS_1
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 "DUST_LU_1" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/dust/beld3_CMAQ-BENCHMARK_output_a.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Dimensions: 122 rows, 127 cols, 1 lays, 120 vbles
 NetCDF ID:   1179648  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 Checking header data for file: DUST_LU_1
     Inconsistent values for GL_NCOLS: 127 versus 67
     Inconsistent values for GL_NROWS: 122 versus 79
     Inconsistent values for P_ALP: 3.3000E+01 versus 3.0000E+01
     Inconsistent values for P_BET: 4.5000E+01 versus 6.0000E+01
     Inconsistent values for P_GAM: -9.7000E+01 versus 1.2600E+02
     Inconsistent values for XORIG: 5.0400E+05 versus -1.4850E+05
     Inconsistent values for YORIG: -1.4880E+06 versus -5.6700E+05
     Inconsistent values for XCENT: -9.7000E+01 versus 1.2600E+02
     Inconsistent values for YCENT: 4.0000E+01 versus 3.8000E+01
     Inconsistent values for XCELL: 1.2000E+04 versus 9.0000E+03
     Inconsistent values for YCELL: 1.2000E+04 versus 9.0000E+03
 "DUST_LU_2" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/dust/beld3_CMAQ-BENCHMARK_output_tot.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Dimensions: 122 rows, 127 cols, 1 lays, 1 vbles
 NetCDF ID:   1245184  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 Checking header data for file: DUST_LU_2
     Inconsistent values for GL_NCOLS: 127 versus 67
     Inconsistent values for GL_NROWS: 122 versus 79
     Inconsistent values for P_ALP: 3.3000E+01 versus 3.0000E+01
     Inconsistent values for P_BET: 4.5000E+01 versus 6.0000E+01
     Inconsistent values for P_GAM: -9.7000E+01 versus 1.2600E+02
     Inconsistent values for XORIG: 5.0400E+05 versus -1.4850E+05
     Inconsistent values for YORIG: -1.4880E+06 versus -5.6700E+05
     Inconsistent values for XCENT: -9.7000E+01 versus 1.2600E+02
     Inconsistent values for YCENT: 4.0000E+01 versus 3.8000E+01
     Inconsistent values for XCELL: 1.2000E+04 versus 9.0000E+03
     Inconsistent values for YCELL: 1.2000E+04 versus 9.0000E+03
 CTM_DEPV_MOS    :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.DEPVMOS.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_DRY_DEP_MOS :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.DDMOS.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_DRY_DEP_FST :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.DDFST.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 CTM_DEPV_FST    :/home/eunae/CMAQv5.0.2/data/cctm/org_d02_2018-07/CCTM_m3conc_saprc99_ae5_Linux2_x86_64pgi.DEPVFST.m3conc_saprc99_ae5_20180615
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 E2C_FERT        :E2C_FERT
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 E2C_SOIL        :E2C_SOIL
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 BELD4_LU        :BELD4_LU
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine FLCHECK on PE 008
 Inconsistent header data on input files
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   June 15, 2018

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  End  FLCHECK = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 Value for CTM_MAXSYNC:  720
 Value for CTM_MINSYNC:  60
 Value for CTM_ADV_CFL not defined; returning default :  0.75
 Maximum CFL number allowed                                                      
 Value for SIGMA_SYNC_TOP not defined; returning default :  0.7
 Minimum layer limit for which adv = sync                                        
 Value for ADV_HDIV_LIM not defined; returning default :  0.9
 Maximum horiz. div. limit for adv step adjustment                               
 Top layer thru which sync step determined: 12

 From ADVSTEP - date/time:  2018166/000000

 Computed synchronization step (HHMMSS): 000730
 Number of Synchronization steps:    8

 Layer   Advection   per Sync
       Step (HHMMSS)  Step
   30      000730       1
   29      000730       1
   28      000345       2
   27      000345       2
   26      000230       3
   25      000130       5
   24      000130       5
   23      000130       5
   22      000130       5
   21      000130       5
   20      000130       5
   19      000130       5
   18      000230       3
   17      000345       2
   16      000345       2
   15      000730       1
   14      000730       1
   13      000730       1
   12      000730       1
   11      000730       1
   10      000730       1
    9      000730       1
    8      000730       1
    7      000730       1
    6      000730       1
    5      000730       1
    4      000730       1
    3      000730       1
    2      000730       1
    1      000730       1
 Value for CTM_CKSUM:  Y returning TRUE
 Value for CTM_ILDEPV:  Y returning TRUE
 Value for CTM_ABFLUX:  N returning FALSE
 Value for CTM_SFC_HONO:  Y returning TRUE
 Value for CTM_MOSAIC:  N returning FALSE
 Value for CTM_DEPV_FILE:  N returning FALSE
 Flag for writing the DEPV diagnostic file                                       
 DEPV_INIT: writes GAS DEPV values to CTM_DEPV_FILE                                                                      
 DEPV_INIT: completed INIT_GAS_DV block 

 Value for CTM_BIOGEMIS:  N returning FALSE
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEMIS on PE 008
 Emissions species HONO not found on EMIS_1
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   June 15, 2018
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEMIS on PE 008
 Emissions species ARO1NBZ not found on EMIS_1
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   June 15, 2018
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEMIS on PE 008
 Emissions species BENZENE not found on EMIS_1
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   June 15, 2018

      Gas Chemistry Emissions Processing in Vertical diffusion ...

      Non-reactives Emissions Processing in Vertical diffusion ...

      Number of Emissions Layers:          23
      out of total Number of Model Layers: 30
 Value for CTM_STDATE:  2018166
 Value for CTM_STTIME:  0
 Value for CTM_RUNLEN:  11040000
 Value for CTM_LTNG_NO:  N returning FALSE

 Aerosol Emissions Processing in Vertical diffusion ...
  --- Precursor Species Mapped ---
 Value for CTM_SSEMDIAG:  N returning FALSE
 Value for CTM_PT3DEMIS:  N returning FALSE

— Subroutine: M3DRY
— Found canopy wetness (WR) in MET_CRO_2D

— Subroutine: M3DRY
— Found 2-m water vapor mixing ratio (Q2) in MET_CRO_2D

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine GET_EMIS:INTERPX
 Variable "HONO" not in file EMIS_1
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:03:45   June 15, 2018
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine GET_EMIS on PE 008
 Could not read HONO from EMIS_1
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:03:45   June 15, 2018
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine GET_EMIS:INTERPX
 Variable "ARO1NBZ" not in file EMIS_1
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:03:45   June 15, 2018
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine GET_EMIS on PE 008
 Could not read ARO1NBZ from EMIS_1
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:03:45   June 15, 2018
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine GET_EMIS:INTERPX
 Variable "BENZENE" not in file EMIS_1
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:03:45   June 15, 2018
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine GET_EMIS on PE 008
 Could not read BENZENE from EMIS_1
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:03:45   June 15, 2018
 Value for KZMIN:  Y returning TRUE
 Maximum eddy diffusivity of:   1000.0     (m**2/sec)
 at col, row, layer:  30,   1,   1
 corresponding to a free tropospheric wind shear of:  6.24079E-03 (/sec),
                        a bulk Richardson Number of:   5.2055    ,
 and pot. temps. in layer and layer+1:   292.60       292.84    

after VDIFF G 2.3666389E+00 A 7.7070502E+08 N 6.5169435E-05
after COUPLE_WR G 2.2604117E+04 A 9.3369422E+12 N 6.6592467E-01

 No BC's in file BNDY_AERO_1 for the following adv species: Set to 1.00E-30

 Reading U-windfield from MET_DOT_3D for variable: UWINDC          

 Reading V-windfield from MET_DOT_3D for variable: VWINDC          

 layer    S (X3FACE_GD) Delta S
   1     0.0040000     0.0040000     1.0000000
   2     0.0100000     0.0060000     1.0000000
   3     0.0200000     0.0100000     1.0000000
   4     0.0220000     0.0020000     1.0000000
   5     0.0360000     0.0140000     1.0000000
   6     0.0540000     0.0180000     1.0000000
   7     0.0780000     0.0240000     1.0000000
   8     0.1060000     0.0280000     1.0000000
   9     0.1400000     0.0340000     1.0000000
  10     0.1830000     0.0430000     1.0000000
  11     0.2340000     0.0510000     1.0000000
  12     0.2930000     0.0590000     1.0000000
  13     0.3560000     0.0630000     1.0000000
  14     0.4240000     0.0680000     1.0000000
  15     0.4930000     0.0689999     1.0000000
  16     0.5560000     0.0630000     1.0000000
  17     0.6200000     0.0640000     1.0000000
  18     0.6760000     0.0560000     1.0000000
  19     0.7270000     0.0510000     1.0000000
  20     0.7720000     0.0450000     1.0000000
  21     0.8120000     0.0400000     1.0000000
  22     0.8480000     0.0360000     1.0000000
  23     0.8550000     0.0070000     1.0000000
  24     0.8790000     0.0240000     1.0000000
  25     0.9070000     0.0280000     1.0000000
  26     0.9310000     0.0240000     1.0000000
  27     0.9520000     0.0210000     1.0000000
  28     0.9710000     0.0190000     1.0000000
  29     0.9860000     0.0150000     1.0000000
  30     1.0000000     0.0140000     1.0000000

after ADV G 2.0968480E+04 A 9.3995800E+12 N 6.6565633E-01

 H-eddy DT & integration steps:   4.5000000E+02       1

after HDIFF G 6.0218614E+15 A 9.3995810E+12 N 6.6565639E-01
after DECOUPLE_ G 5.8710714E+11 A 7.7375834E+08 N 6.5155073E-05
Value for CLD_DIAG: N returning FALSE

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine RESCLD on PE 008
 Parameter QI (cloud ice) was not found on file MET_CRO_3D
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   June 15, 2018

      YOU SHOULD VERIFY that the cloud microphysics scheme used
      in the Meteorological Model did not include ice/snow.  If
      it did, then you need to reprocess the meteorological data
      through MCIP and pass QI to file  MET_CRO_3D  to avoid
      errors in the wet deposition.

 Processing will continue with QI set to ZERO.  <<---<<

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine RESCLD on PE 008
 Parameter QS (snow) was not found on file MET_CRO_3D
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   June 15, 2018

      YOU SHOULD VERIFY that the cloud microphysics scheme used
      in the Meteorological Model did not include ice/snow.  If
      it did, then you need to reprocess the meteorological data
      through MCIP and pass QS to file  MET_CRO_3D  to avoid
      errors in the wet deposition.

 Processing will continue with QS set to ZERO.  <<--<<

 no surrogates for aqueous species CO2...using background value of 340.0000
 no surrogates for aqueous species CACO3...using background value of   0.0000
 no surrogates for aqueous species MGCO3...using background value of   0.0000
 no surrogates for aqueous species A3FE...using background value of   0.0100
 no surrogates for aqueous species B2MN...using background value of   0.0050
 no surrogates for aqueous species K...using background value of   0.0000

after CLDPROC G 5.8710714E+11 A 7.7363686E+08 N 6.5094653E-05

      Euler Backward Iterative Parameters -
      Chemistry Integration Time Interval (min):      7.5000
      EBI maximum time step (min):                    2.5000

      Species convergence tolerances:
      NO2                   1.00E-03
      NO                    1.00E-03
      O3P                   1.00E+00
      O3                    1.00E-03
      NO3                   1.00E-03
      N2O5                  1.00E-03
      HNO3                  1.00E-03
      O1D2                  1.00E+00
      HO                    1.00E-03
      HONO                  1.00E-03
      HO2                   1.00E-03
      CO                    1.00E-03
      HNO4                  1.00E-03
      HO2H                  1.00E-03
      SO2                   1.00E-03
      SULF                  1.00E+00
      SULRXN                1.00E+00
      C_O2                  1.00E-03
      HCHO                  1.00E-03
      COOH                  1.00E-03
      MEOH                  1.00E-03
      RO2_R                 1.00E-03
      ROOH                  1.00E-03
      R2O2                  1.00E-03
      RO2_N                 1.00E-03
      RNO3                  1.00E-03
      MEK                   1.00E-03
      PROD2                 1.00E-03
      CCO_O2                1.00E-03
      PAN                   1.00E-03
      CCO_OOH               1.00E-03
      CCO_OH                1.00E-03
      RCO_O2                1.00E-03
      PAN2                  1.00E-03
      CCHO                  1.00E-03
      RCO_OOH               1.00E-03
      RCO_OH                1.00E-03
      BZCO_O2               1.00E-03
      PBZN                  1.00E-03
      BZ_O                  1.00E+00
      MA_RCO3               1.00E-03
      MA_PAN                1.00E-03
      TBU_O                 1.00E+00
      ACET                  1.00E-03
      NPHE                  1.00E-03
      PHEN                  1.00E-03
      BZNO2_O               1.00E+00
      HOCOO                 1.00E+00
      HCOOH                 1.00E-03
      RCHO                  1.00E-03
      GLY                   1.00E-03
      MGLY                  1.00E-03
      BACL                  1.00E-03
      CRES                  1.00E-03
      BALD                  1.00E-03
      METHACRO              1.00E-03
      MVK                   1.00E-03
      ISOPROD               1.00E-03
      DCB1                  1.00E-03
      DCB2                  1.00E-03
      DCB3                  1.00E-03
      ETHENE                1.00E-03
      ISOPRENE              1.00E-03
      ISOPRXN               1.00E+00
      TRP1                  1.00E-03
      TRPRXN                1.00E+00
      ALK1                  1.00E-03
      ALK2                  1.00E-03
      ALK3                  1.00E-03
      ALK4                  1.00E-03
      ALK5                  1.00E-03
      ALK5RXN               1.00E+00
      ARO1                  1.00E-03
      ARO1RO2               1.00E-03
      TOLNRXN               1.00E+00
      TOLHRXN               1.00E+00
      ARO2                  1.00E-03
      ARO2RO2               1.00E-03
      XYLNRXN               1.00E+00
      XYLHRXN               1.00E+00
      BENZENE               1.00E-03
      BENZRO2               1.00E-03
      BNZNRXN               1.00E+00
      BNZHRXN               1.00E+00
      OLE1                  1.00E-03
      OLE2                  1.00E-03
      SESQ                  1.00E-03
      SESQRXN               1.00E+00
Value for CTM_PHOTDIAG:  N returning FALSE

 File "CSQY_DATA" opened for input on unit:  94

Sucessfully Loaded JTABLE
PHOT: Identified USGS24 land use scheme for surface albedo used by inline photolysis calculation.

 File "OMI" opened for input on unit:  93

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine O3TOTCOL on PE 008
 Requested date is beyond available data on OMI file:  <0:00:00   July 28, 2013
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   June 15, 2018
 Total column ozone will be estimated from the corresponding Julian Day
 of the last available year on the OMI input file:0:00:00   June 15, 2013 <<---<<

WARNING: EBI Euler convergence failure
Reducing EBI time step because of MAXPRED convergence failure for
Cell ( 11, 1, 1) and species NO2 Back-up number 1
WARNING: EBI Euler convergence failure
Reducing EBI time step because of MAXPRED convergence failure for
Cell ( 11, 1, 1) and species NO2 Back-up number 2
WARNING: EBI Euler convergence failure
Reducing EBI time step because of MAXPRED convergence failure for
Cell ( 11, 1, 1) and species NO2 Back-up number 3
WARNING: EBI Euler convergence failure
Reducing EBI time step because of MAXPRED convergence failure for
Cell ( 11, 1, 1) and species NO2 Back-up number 4
WARNING: EBI Euler convergence failure
Reducing EBI time step because of MAXPRED convergence failure for
Cell ( 11, 1, 1) and species NO2 Back-up number 5
ERROR: Max number of EBI time step reductions exceeded
Convergence failure for cell ( 11, 1, 1)
Convergence failure for the following species:

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine HRSOLVER on PE 008        
 ERROR: Stopping because of EBI convergence failures

PM3EXIT: DTBUF 0:00:00 June 15, 2018
Date and time 0:00:00 June 15, 2018 (2018166:000000)

Output files should generate

but domain 2 output files were generated

Your dust emissions files DUST_LU_1 and DUST_LU_2 are from an entirely different grid. Try turning off windblown dust in your run script.

Your total gas phase concentrations seem already quite high after your first call to VDIFF. Check the units of your emissions files.

after VDIFF G 2.3666389E+00 A 7.7070502E+08 N 6.5169435E-05

Something is going haywire with gas-phase species in horizontal diffusion. The checksum of total gas-phase concentrations goes up by 11 orders of magnitude. I have never seen that before, usually the change due to that process is negligible. Note that the change in total aerosol and nonreactives is negligible.

after ADV G 2.0968480E+04 A 9.3995800E+12 N 6.6565633E-01
H-eddy DT & integration steps:   4.5000000E+02       1
after HDIFF G 6.0218614E+15 A 9.3995810E+12 N 6.6565639E-01

If turning off windblown dust does not solve the problem, I would examine the meteorological data for anomalies. You might try recompiling the model in debug mode (with array bounds checking turned on, floating point traps, etc.). The model may crash with a stack trace that will give you a clue as to what variable is the problem.

Thank u!! I’ll give it a try.