Error running CCTM for CMAQ5.3.3

Hello!I am learning to use CMAQ5.3.3.
The area I studied was a province in China.The mcip we used was generated by the built-in run_mcip.csh, and icbc was generated by mozart2camx_v3.2.1. Since there were multiple CCTM scripts in version 5.3.3, we chose run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.csh. Changes are made based on this script, but when running this script, the operation stopped within seconds, as follows:

Start Model Run At  Fri Feb 2 23:31:25 CST 2024
Compiler is set to intel

Working Directory is /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/CCTM/scripts
Build Directory is /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v533_intel
Output Directory is /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/data/output_CCTM_v533_intel_230701
Log Directory is /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/data/output_CCTM_v533_intel_230701/LOGS
Executable Name is CCTM_v533.exe

---CMAQ EXECUTION ID: CMAQ_CCTMv533_panting_20240202_153125_282105050 ---

Set up input and output files for Day 2023-07-01.

Existing Logs and Output Files for Day 2023-07-01 Will Be Deleted

CMAQ Processing of Day 20230701 Began at Fri Feb  2 23:31:25 CST 2024

        CTM_APPL  |  v533_intel_230701_20230701
|                                                                              |
|               The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model              |
|                                   Version 5.3.3                              |
|                                                                              |
|                          Built and Maintained by the                         |
|                        Office of Research and Development                    |
|                   United States Environmental Protection Agency              |
|                                                                              |
|                                            |
|                                                                              |
|       Source Code:             |
|       Documentation:        |
|                                                                              |
|         The CMAQ Model is tested and released with cooperation from          |
|         the Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Center via         |
|         contract support. CMAS is managed by the Institute for the           |
|         Environment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.            |
|         CMAS URL: (                               |
|                                                                              |

     This program uses the EPA-AREAL/MCNC-EnvPgms/BAMS Models-3
     I/O Applications Programming Interface, [I/O API] which is
     built on top of the netCDF I/O library (Copyright 1993, 1996
     University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
     Program) and the PVM parallel-programming library (from
     Oak Ridge National Laboratory).
     Copyright (C) 1992-2002 MCNC,
     (C) 1992-2018 Carlie J. Coats, Jr.,
     (C) 2003-2012 Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems, LLC, and
     (C) 2014-2021 UNC Institute for the Environment.
     Released under the GNU LGPL  License, version 2.1.  See URL

     for conditions of use.

     ioapi-3.2: $Id: init3.F90 200 2021-05-10 14:06:20Z coats $
     netCDF version 4.7.0 of Jan 30 2024 02:39:59 $


     |> Grid and High-Level Model Parameters:
      --Env Variable-- | --Value--
             BLD  |             (default)
          OUTDIR  |  /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/data/output_CCTM_v533_intel_230701
       NEW_START  |           T
  ISAM_NEW_START  |  Y (default)
       GRID_NAME  |  ERA5
       CTM_TSTEP  |       10000
      CTM_RUNLEN  |      240000
    CTM_PROGNAME  |  DRIVER (default)
      CTM_STDATE  |     2023182
      CTM_STTIME  |           0
     NPCOL_NPROW  |  8 4
     CTM_MAXSYNC  |         300
     CTM_MINSYNC  |          60

     |> Multiprocess control, output and error checking:
      --Env Variable-- | --Value--
 PRINT_PROC_TIME  |           T
     FL_ERR_STOP  |           F
       CTM_CKSUM  |           T
AVG_FILE_ENDTIME  |           F
       CONC_SPCS  |  ALL
  CONC_BLEV_ELEV  |   1 1
 IOAPI_LOG_WRITE  |           F
         VERTEXT  |           F
VERTEXT_COORD_PA  |  /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/CCTM/scripts/lonlat.csv
   gc_matrix_nml  |  /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v533_intel/GC_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml
   ae_matrix_nml  |  /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v533_intel/AE_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml
   nr_matrix_nml  |  /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v533_intel/NR_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml
   tr_matrix_nml  |  /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v533_intel/Species_Table_TR_0.nml

     |> Chemistry and Photolysis:
      --Env Variable-- | --Value--
    CTM_PHOTDIAG  |           F
CORE_SHELL_OPTIC  |           F (default)
 OPTICS_MIE_CALC  |           F (default)
       GEAR_ATOL  |   0.100E-08 (default)
       GEAR_RTOL  |   0.100E-02 (default)
         RB_RTOL  |   0.100E-02 (default)
         RB_ATOL  |   0.100E-06 (default)

     |> Aerosols:
      --Env Variable-- | --Value--
    CTM_AVISDIAG  |           F (default)
  CTM_ZERO_PCSOA  |           F (default)
         CTM_AOD  |           F (default)
      CTM_PMDIAG  |           F
     CTM_APMDIAG  |           T
 AVG_PMDIAG_SPCS  |             (default)
    STM_SO4TRACK  |           F

     |> Cloud Processes:
      --Env Variable-- | --Value--
        CLD_DIAG  |           F

     |> Air-Surface Exchange Processes:
      --Env Variable-- | --Value--
      PX_VERSION  |           T
      CTM_ABFLUX  |           T
      CTM_MOSAIC  |           F
    CTM_SFC_HONO  |           T
     CLM_VERSION  |           F
    NOAH_VERSION  |           F
       CTM_STAGE  |           F (default)
   CTM_DEPV_FILE  |           F
      CTM_HGBIDI  |           F
CTM_BIDI_FERT_NH  |           T

     |> Transport Processes:
      --Env Variable-- | --Value--
CTM_VDIFF_DIAG_F  |           F (default)
  SIGMA_SYNC_TOP  |   0.700E+00
    ADV_HDIV_LIM  |   0.900E+00 (default)
     CTM_ADV_CFL  |   0.950E+00
           KZMIN  |           T
        CTM_WVEL  |           T
   CTM_GRAV_SETL  |           T

     |> Emissions Parameters:
      --Env Variable-- | --Value--
   EMISSCTRL_NML  |  /data/home/panting/CMAQ/CMAQ-main/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v533_intel/EmissCtrl_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml
      CTM_EMLAYS  |           0 (default)
       N_EMIS_GR  |           1
       N_EMIS_TR  |           0 (default)
     CTM_EMISCHK  |           F
    CTM_BIOGEMIS  |           T
       BIOG_SPRO  |  DEFAULT (default)
        BIOSW_YN  |           T
      B3GTS_DIAG  |           F
    CTM_MGEMDIAG  |           F (default)
  CTM_OCEAN_CHEM  |           T
     CTM_WB_DUST  |           F
 CTM_DUSTEM_DIAG  |           F
    CTM_SSEMDIAG  |           F
     CTM_LTNG_NO  |           F
   LTNG_ASSIM_DT  |           0 (default)
          LTNGNO  |  InLine (default)
        USE_NLDN  |           F (default)
        LTNGDIAG  |           F
         MOLSNCG  |   0.350E+03 (default)
         MOLSNIC  |   0.350E+03 (default)
       N_EMIS_PT  |           8
          IPVERT  |           0 (default)
        EMISDIAG  |  F
   EMIS_SYM_DATE  |           F (default)

     |> Process Analysis Parameters:
      --Env Variable-- | --Value--
      CTM_PROCAN  |           F
    PA_BCOL_ECOL  |             (default)
    PA_BROW_EROW  |             (default)
    PA_BLEV_ELEV  |             (default)
       MET_TSTEP  |       10000 (default)

     MET data determined based on WRF ARW version 3.9.1

          -=-  MPP Processor-to-Subdomain Map  -=-
                 Number of Processors =  32
    |                                                  |
    |  PE    #Cols    Col_Range     #Rows    Row_Range |
    |                                                  |
    |  0       28      1:  28         47      1:  47   |
    |  1       28     29:  56         47      1:  47   |
    |  2       28     57:  84         47      1:  47   |
    |  3       28     85: 112         47      1:  47   |
    |  4       28    113: 140         47      1:  47   |
    |  5       27    141: 167         47      1:  47   |
    |  6       27    168: 194         47      1:  47   |
    |  7       27    195: 221         47      1:  47   |
    |  8       28      1:  28         47     48:  94   |
    |  9       28     29:  56         47     48:  94   |
    | 10       28     57:  84         47     48:  94   |
    | 11       28     85: 112         47     48:  94   |
    | 12       28    113: 140         47     48:  94   |
    | 13       27    141: 167         47     48:  94   |
    | 14       27    168: 194         47     48:  94   |
    | 15       27    195: 221         47     48:  94   |
    | 16       28      1:  28         46     95: 140   |
    | 17       28     29:  56         46     95: 140   |
    | 18       28     57:  84         46     95: 140   |
    | 19       28     85: 112         46     95: 140   |
    | 20       28    113: 140         46     95: 140   |
    | 21       27    141: 167         46     95: 140   |
    | 22       27    168: 194         46     95: 140   |
    | 23       27    195: 221         46     95: 140   |
    | 24       28      1:  28         46    141: 186   |
    | 25       28     29:  56         46    141: 186   |
    | 26       28     57:  84         46    141: 186   |
    | 27       28     85: 112         46    141: 186   |
    | 28       28    113: 140         46    141: 186   |
    | 29       27    141: 167         46    141: 186   |
    | 30       27    168: 194         46    141: 186   |
    | 31       27    195: 221         46    141: 186   |

application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 538976288) - process 13
real 0.33
user 0.00
sys 0.00

** Runscript Detected an Error: CGRID file was not written. **
**   This indicates that CMAQ was interrupted or an issue   **
**   exists with writing output. The runscript will now     **
**   abort rather than proceeding to subsequent days.       **

  ***** CMAQ TIMING REPORT *****
Start Day: 2023-07-01
End Day:   2023-07-02
Number of Simulation Days: 1
Domain Name:               ERA5
Number of Grid Cells:      1438710  (ROW x COL x LAY)
Number of Layers:          35
Number of Processes:       32
   All times are in seconds.

Num  Day        Wall Time
01   2023-07-01   0.33
     Total Time = .33
      Avg. Time = .33

Below are the cctm scripts we used and the generated log files:
run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1new.csh (34.8 KB)
CTM_LOG_030.v533_intel_230701_20230701.txt (5.8 KB)
In addition, I would like to ask if this error has anything to do with the CCTM script I chose. When choosing a script to run, should I choose among the following scripts based on the study area, or just randomly select one and make changes?


Thank you for sharing your main log file and one of the per-processor log (CTM_LOG_030*) files.

The following error message in the main log file indicates that the per- processor 13 will have written out additional error messages.

process 13

Please review the CTM_LOG_013* file, and/or use grep to look for an error message.

Example grep command:

grep -i error CTM_LOG*
1 Like

Thank you for your patience! I looked at CTM_LOG_013* file:
CTM_LOG_013.v533_intel_230701_20230701.txt (6.4 KB)
The problem I found was that I used the script run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.csh written for the benchmark test data to replace the paths of the mcip, icon, bcon and emis files with our own data paths, but the other files mentioned in the script were ignored. For example, land, lightning, etc. :
Therefore, when executing this script, the file could not be opened. I tried to download and use the official test data except for the four files generated by myself, but there was a file mismatch problem, as follows:

To summarize, my problem now is that files mentioned in the script that I didn’t generate myself won’t open at run time if I don’t make any changes (and don’t comment them out), but if I use benchmark test data to fill in the missing files,It will not match the mcip, icbc and emis files I generated by myself. What is the correct way to deal with it?