Dear CMAQ Aerosol Users,
The US EPA Office of Research and Development is organizing a Committee focused on aerosol science and model development in CMAQ. Through this opportunity, we hope to engage with users and developers of CMAQ and its data on an ongoing basis to improve communication, foster collaborations, and set common priorities.
The committee will be organized by 5 Chairpersons, including 3 from outside EPA and 2 from the CMAQ team inside EPA. General membership is open to all (PIs, students, post-docs, government, private industry, etc.) and we hope to have a variety of experiences, technical abilities, and intended model applications represented. We have pasted information below that summarizes our goals for this group.
To be included, please add your name, contact information, etc., to this GoogleDoc: If you would rather submit your information in private, respond to
We are currently inviting all who are interested in serving as one of 3 outside chairs to please submit a 1/4-1/3 page write-up describing your experience with aerosol science and CMAQ, motivation for leading the group, goals for the committee, and/or potential contributions to the group. We will gather these on Friday Dec. 7 and respond with our decision before the holidays. Please submit them to or
Please email us with any questions you have. We look forward to kicking off this effort with you!
Warm regards,
Ben Murphy and Havala Pye
Foster communication and collaboration among scientists at U.S.
EPA, CMAS, Academic Institutions, Government Organizations
and Private Companies with an interest in the further
development and evaluation of atmospheric aerosol capabilities in
the Community Multiscale Air Quality model CMAQ.
General Objectives
Prioritize specific science or infrastructure features for inclusion in
CMAQ’s aerosol description based on the needs of the
model community.
Coordinate model development efforts to maximize the skills
and resources available across the community. This can take
the form of code contributions via GitHub, parallel evaluation
of new algorithms with datasets available at different
institutions, etc.
Document and disseminate new updates to key users and
developers, thereby encouraging useful feedback during the
development process, and minimizing misuse of the model
system as it evolves.
Open to everyone who has interest. Particularly encourage
membership for those who want to make contributions to the
code base or evaluation exercises. Please take a moment to give
us your contact info via the Google Doc.
Two EPA (Havala Pye and Ben Murphy) and 3 non-EPA chairs.
Chairs should be able to help guide the long-term trajectory of
aerosol science in CMAQ and contribute to its implementation.
They should have extensive experience running and modifying
CMAQ code and will be expected to undertake or guide
development, integration, testing, and evaluation of science and
feature updates. Commitment of approx. two years is desired.
Chair Applicants may email Ben and Havala or indicate their
interest on the Google Doc. We will ask you to write 1/3 to 3/4
page at most explaining your interests/motivation for being a
chair and what specific contributions you think you can bring to
the effort.
Proposed Schedule
December 7: Deadline for Chair applications
December 20: Chairs will be decided
January: Chair Meeting 1
April: Mid-Year General Membership Webinar Forum
July: Chair Meeting II
October: Chair Meeting III (Prep for CMAS)
October: CMAS General Membership Forum