CMAQv5.3.2 CGRID file not written during runtime (Intel Compiler)

Hello, I am experiencing an issue where the CGRID file is not written during the execution of CMAQv5.3.2, causing the simulation to stop. I have tried several methods to resolve this issue, but the same error persists, and I am seeking help.

  • Compiler Version: Intel Fortran Compiler

  • CMAQ Version: BLD_CCTM_v532_intel/CCTM_v532.exe

  • Run Script: run_cctm_test.csh (Domain: Custom, Resolution: 3km x 3km)

  • During the execution of CMAQv5.3.2, there is an issue where the CGRID file is not written, causing the simulation to stop. The error message in the log is as follows:

Runscript Detected an Error: GGRID file was not written.
This indicates that CMAQ was interrupted or an issue exists with writing output.
The runscript will now abort rather than proceeding to subsequent days.

After running CMAQ with debugging flags (-g -traceback -check bounds ), the following call stack was produced:

Image              PC                Routine               Line     Source
CCTM_test.exe      0000000016C92EB   Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
CCTM_test.exe      00000000174705C   ckfile3_                922    ckfile3.f
CCTM_test.exe      00000000165A87C   openfil3_               718    openfil3.F90
CCTM_test.exe      000000001606F94   open3_                  378    open3.F90
CCTM_test.exe      0000000017679F8   centralized_io_mo       388    centralized_io_module.F
CCTM_test.exe      00000000176798F   centralized_io_mo      3407    centralized_io_module.F
CCTM_test.exe      000000001744A7D   cmaq_driver_            519    driver.F
CCTM_test.exe      00000000FCFB5BA   MAIN__                  274    cmaq_main.F

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or insights into the potential cause and solution for this issue.

Thank you for your assistance!

Please search for an error in the CTM_LOG_* file. The CGRID file was not written message indicates a failure in the previous day’s run that resulted in a CGRID file not being written. The error message written to the CTM_LOG* files can help diagnose the issue.

Judging by the traceback (Thanks! That is really useful to have.), there is something wrong with the layer-type parameter in one of the input-file headers; this is being caught by ckfile3() but something is going wrong with the log-message from there. You might possibly be able to figure out which file by looking at centralized_io_module line 3407.