Error when running CMAQ v5.3

Hi CMAQ users:

I am trying to run CCTM on the latest 5.3 version, using the same input I prepared and successfully run on version 5.2.1. However, it shows these following error messages:

** Runscript Detected an Error: CGRID file was not written. **
** This indicates that CMAQ was interrupted or an issue **
** exists with writing output. The runscript will now **
** abort rather than proceeding to subsequent days. **

What shall I do?


Hi Huan,
This error indicates your run did not complete successfully.
Please look in the

output_*/LOGS directory

for the per processor logs such as
Use grep or an editor such as vi to search for an error message within those log files that may indicate why the run did not complete successfully.

it’s successfully run now, thank you~


Dear @fang63 ,

I need your help regarding processing of emission files for CMAQ. I’ll be glad if you can assist me.

Thanks and warm regards,


could you be more specific what issue you are currently have?

Thanks for your response. It is about processing the raw emission inventory files into CMAQ-ready files. For instance, MEIC and REAS2 anthropogenic files.

Thanks in anticipation


You need to make sure your emission files, meteorology files, BCON and ICON files have the same coordinate

I am also having same issue. But in my version, I can’t find output log file in the directory. The folder is empty. Can you guys assist me?

Thank you,