(a) BenMAP has several inbuilt 12km grids for CMAQ:
I am trying to use 12k CMAQ PM2.5 simulations based on ‘12US2’ grid in CMAQ for health impacts calculations in BenMAP. I am not sure whether BenMAP’s inbuilt ‘CMAQ 12km Nation’ grid or the ‘CMAQ 12km Nation - Clipped’ grid defined in BenMAP are exactly based on the ‘12US2’ grid in CMAQ. The number of rows and columns (246 X 396) of gridcells are the same in BenMAP’s ‘CMAQ 12km Nation’ grid and CMAQ’s 12US2 grid, but it is still possible that gridcells are located in slightly different lat-lon positions. Could somebody verify this?
(b) On a related note, how is the BenMAP’s ‘CMAQ 12km Nation - Clipped’ population calculated? How is it different from ‘United States Census - County’ population in BenMAP? I am just trying to find the best population dataset (of the two available) in BenMAP to go with my CMAQ 12km grid.