I was wondering if there exists a country-specific landmask file for the North American countries, like CONUS landmask file or Canada landmask file or Mexico landmask file? My CMAQ domain (below) includes parts of Canada and Mexico but I would like to use only CONUS values for my analysis:
Or maybe there is another way to filter CONUS results from the CMAQ domain?
If your modeling domain is a subdomain of the 12US1 12 km domain with the following definition
! coords --line: name; type P-alpha P-beta P-gamma xcent ycent
2 33.0D0 45.D0 -97.D0 -97.D0 40.D0
' ' ! end coords. grids: name; xorig yorig xcell ycell ncols nrows nthik
'LAM_40N97W' -2556000. -1728000. 12000. 12000. 459 299 1
one way to do this is to work off of the GRIDMASK_CLIMATE_REGIONS_12US1.nc file linked from this tutorial.
Once you download that file, you could window it to your domain (e.g. using m3wndw) and then sum over the climate region variables in that file (m3combo might work for that). Since these climate regions are defined over the US only and each variable representing the mask for that climate region has fractions between 0 and 1, summing them would give you a field of 1 values over the CONUS and 0 outside.