EPA’s 2016v1platform ftp://newftp.epa.gov/Air/emismod/2016/v1/ has 36km and 12km domain SMOKE set-up. Using the same emission inputs, I want to create SMOKE output files for a customized domain (4km grid cells) that is not available in the griddesc_lambertonly_18jan2019_v7 file.
I have added following lines for my domain in the griddesc_lambertonly_18jan2019_v7 file:
Then I created several SMOKE outputs using the same inputs that are available in the SMOKE folder in ftp://newftp.epa.gov/Air/emismod/2016/v1/. The simulation is successful.
I was wondering if anyone could provide me feedback/suggestions about the process I used for the 4km grid cells run.
Is the procedure to generate finer grid cells data right?. Is there any other way to simulate SMOKE for a customized grid domain?
Although this is for the 2017 platform many of the principles apply.
Note that the 2016 platform includes 4km surrogates (starting with CONUS4) that you could use for your own 4km grid if your grid has the same Lambert projection:
Surrogates aren’t typically used for point source sectors so I’m not sure
Are you using the EPA run scripts by sector from one of the platforms such as the ones provided here?
Yes, I am using exactly the same scripts provided in 2016v2 platform https://gaftp.epa.gov/Air/emismod/2016/v2/ except the change I mentioned in comment#3 for the 4km domain.