@lizadams, yes you are right, I am running CMAQv5.3.1 with inline Dust option. I have run the simulations several times (while waiting for people to get reply on this topic) using the weird (’_tot’ file with 0 and 1) output files produced by Spatial Allocator . However, I am not sure if that’s making a significant difference because I don’t have a reference correct input data, and also haven’t looked for such things as diagnostic outputs, as you mentioned. But clearly, as you have also shown above, for the benchmark case the values look very realistic - % of land covered by FOREST.
And the use of this variable is dust prediction is being used for finding dust transport fractions - which is an important thing to consider - I believe.
C building surrounding
uland( c,r,3 ) = lut( c,r,1 ) ! USGS_urban
C forest surrounding
uland( c,r,4 ) = lut( c,r,10 ) ! USGS_decidforest
& + lut( c,r,11 ) ! USGS_evbrdleaf
& + lut( c,r,12 ) ! USGS_coniferfor
& + lut( c,r,13 ) ! USGS_mxforest
& + lut( c,r,15 ) ! USGS_wetwoods
& + lut( c,r,20 ) ! FOREST (dust_lu_2)
end do
end do
I wonder what to do to get the correct files for DUST_LU_2 ??