Hello, I am working on using the windblown dust module in CMAQv5.3 to estimate contribution of windblown dust to PM10. According to CMAQv5.3 Users’ Guide:
“BELD4: Use BELD4 landuse data for windblown dust calculations. The user needs to
specify the E2C_LU file described in Chapter 4. This file typically is available for North
American domains only…”. I use BELD4 and update CCTM run script as below
setenv CTM_WB_DUST Y
setenv E2C_LU $LUpath/beld4.56X47domain.nc
However, CMAQ run was aborted with the following error message:
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine lus_setup on PE 000
Could not read NLCD_32 from E2C_LU
PM3EXIT: DTBUF 0:00:00 April 29, 2014
I checked BELD4 input data (varlist_tot.ncf) and it includes 20 categories but no NLCD_32 which seems required by windblown dust module for using BELD4 data.
NLCD_11 =
NLCD_12 =
NLCD_21 =
NLCD_22 =
NLCD_23 =
NLCD_24 =
NLCD_31 =
NLCD_41 =
NLCD_42 =
NLCD_43 =
NLCD_51 =
NLCD_52 =
NLCD_71 =
NLCD_72 =
NLCD_73 =
NLCD_74 =
NLCD_81 =
NLCD_82 =
NLCD_90 =
NLCD_95 =
It is really appreciated if someone could have any ideas and experience to fix this problem.