EBI Euler convergence failure

Hello all,

I am running CMAQ for 12CONUS domain. From feb 1,2023 through May 1 2023. I am facing issues in cctm run named ‘EBI Euler convergence failure’. I am attaching the cctm run file that I am using along with a log file. Thanks for your help.
CTM_LOG_091.v532_gcc_12US1_459X299_20230201.txt (5.4 MB)
run_cctm_202302_12US1.csh (35.7 KB)
slurm-5107189.txt (20.4 KB)


The EBI convergence failure messages in your CTM_LOG file indicate some very high concentrations for some VOC species as well as CO.

Looking at the DESID emissions mapping report, this might be caused by some very high scaling factors being applied to your emissions, since the final scaling factors the code is trying to write to the log file appear to violate the Fortran format constraints so they are just being written as “******”:

      CMAQ Species     Phase/Mode  Surrogate         Region             Op ScaleFac Basis FinalFac
    ------------     ----------  ---------         ------             -- -------- ----- --------
      NO2              GAS        NO2              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      NO               GAS        NO               EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      HONO             GAS        HONO             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      SO2              GAS        SO2              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      SULF             GAS        SULF             EVERYWHERE         a   0.000    UNIT   0.000
      AACD             GAS        AACD             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      ALD2             GAS        ALD2             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      FORM             GAS        FORM             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      MEOH             GAS        MEOH             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      FACD             GAS        FACD             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******

when we would typically expect something like this

    CMAQ Species     Phase/Mode  Surrogate         Region             Op ScaleFac Basis FinalFac
    ------------     ----------  ---------         ------             -- -------- ----- --------
      NO2              GAS        NO2              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      NO               GAS        NO               EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      HONO             GAS        HONO             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      SO2              GAS        SO2              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      SULF             GAS        SULF             EVERYWHERE         a   0.000    UNIT   0.000
      ALD2             GAS        ALD2             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      FORM             GAS        FORM             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      MEOH             GAS        MEOH             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      CO               GAS        CO               EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ALDX             GAS        ALDX             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ETHA             GAS        ETHA             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ETOH             GAS        ETOH             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000

I admit that I don’t know what could be causing the final factor to be off the charts, but it might help if you could post your EmissCtrl file.

Please find attached my EmisCtrl file. Thats the file came with the CMAQ installation. Thanks!

EmissCtrl_cb6r3_ae7_aq.txt (31.0 KB)

I see from your log file that you are using CMAQv5.3.2, which is now nearly 4 years old. There have been two releases since then, with another to come out shortly. Have you made any modifications to the code?

Try recompiling in debug mode and rerun the model.

I run the model in debug mode for a smaller domain to check. Similar issue occurring. Please find attached the new cctm file along with the log file. Thanks for your help.

CTM_LOG_027.v532_gcc_OOSL1330_105X135_20230201.txt (125.4 KB)
slurm-5108244.txt (52.5 KB)
run_cctm_202302_4FL.txt (35.7 KB)

If you are using the release version of the code and the DESID emission control file, then the log file should show scale factors of 1.000. The fact that the log file shows these are not printed correctly indicates an error. What modifications to the CMAQ source code have you made?

To clarify, when I say to compile in “debug mode”, this means to use flags appropriate for your compiler that will check for runtime error conditions like exceeding array bounds and floating point exceptions. For gcc, we recommend these (see config_cmaq.csh):
-Wall -O0 -g -fcheck=all -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbacktrace"
Assuming you are using our standard build script, you can recompile invoking these debug flags with the command:
make clean; make DEBUG=TRUE
issued from your build directory.

A comment on your run script: START_DATE, END_DATE, and NSTEPS are not set correctly (our run script is rather confusing on this point). The way our run script is set up is to do a series of 24-hour executions, with NSTEPS set to 240000. You can think of START_DATE as the first execution date and END_DATE as the last execution date.
If instead you have prepared your inputs so they hold all the data for your 3-month simulation period, then you want to set your script so that it executes only once. One way to achieve this is to set END_DATE the same as START_DATE.

1 Like

I did run in the debug mode but there are no new information. I tried with NSTEPS set to 240000 but still the same issue. When I did not use my gridded emission data (egts…), then the model worked. But when I used it, it did not work. So, there are some discrepancies between my GRIDDED_EMIS file and EmisCtrl file. My GRIDDED_EMIS file comes from SMOKE run with all the sources (point, mobile, area and biogenic) combined. That is why I do not have any inline emission or biogenic emission invoked in CMAQ. I decided to ncdump header of my gridded_emis and a standard test_case gridded_emis to have a look. Here is the ncdump output from both of them.
testcase_emis.txt (30.5 KB)
FL1330m_emis.txt (25.6 KB)

I see they used moles/s in test case and I used moles/hr. Is that the reason the scale factor is unreasonable for my case? Do I have to change EmisCtrl someway to resolve the issue?

Thank you so much for your help.


Or maybe I have issue with my initial and boundary concentration file or tolerence set up as the error says that,

Processing will continue with QS set to ZERO. <<–<<

 After      CLDPROC :  Gas  1.287E+03  | Aer  3.928E+12  | Non  6.203E+00

Comments on Species in degradation routines

      Euler Backward Iterative Parameters -
      Chemistry Integration Time Interval (min):      2.0000
      EBI maximum time step (min):                    2.5000

      Species convergence tolerances:
      NO2                   5.00E-04
      NO                    5.00E-04
      O                     1.00E+00
      O3                    5.00E-04
      NO3                   5.00E-04
      O1D                   1.00E+00
      OH                    5.00E-04
      HO2                   5.00E-04
      H2O2                  5.00E-04
      N2O5                  5.00E-04
      HNO3                  5.00E-04
      HONO                  5.00E-04
      PNA                   5.00E-04
      SO2                   5.00E-04
      SULF                  1.00E+00
      SULRXN                1.00E+00
      C2O3                  5.00E-04
      MEO2                  5.00E-04
      RO2                   5.00E-04
      PAN                   5.00E-04
      PACD                  5.00E-04
      AACD                  5.00E-04
      CXO3                  5.00E-04
      ALD2                  5.00E-04
      XO2H                  5.00E-04
      PANX                  5.00E-04
      FORM                  5.00E-04
      MEPX                  5.00E-04
      MEOH                  5.00E-04
      ROOH                  5.00E-04
      XO2                   5.00E-04
      XO2N                  5.00E-04
      NTR1                  5.00E-04
      NTR2                  5.00E-04
      FACD                  5.00E-04
      CO                    5.00E-04
      HCO3                  1.00E+00
      ALDX                  5.00E-04
      GLYD                  5.00E-04
      GLY                   5.00E-04
      MGLY                  5.00E-04
      ETHA                  5.00E-04
      ETOH                  5.00E-04
      KET                   5.00E-04
      PAR                   5.00E-04
      ACET                  5.00E-04
      PRPA                  5.00E-04
      XPRP                  5.00E-04
      XPAR                  5.00E-04
      ROR                   5.00E-04
      ETHY                  5.00E-04
      ETH                   5.00E-04
      OLE                   5.00E-04
      IOLE                  5.00E-04
      ISOP                  5.00E-04
      ISO2                  5.00E-04
      ISOPRXN               1.00E+00
      ISPD                  5.00E-04
      INTR                  5.00E-04
      ISPX                  5.00E-04
      HPLD                  5.00E-04
      OPO3                  5.00E-04
      EPOX                  5.00E-04
      EPX2                  5.00E-04
      TERP                  5.00E-04
      TRPRXN                1.00E+00
      TERPNRO2              5.00E-04
      APIN                  5.00E-04
      BENZENE               5.00E-04
      CRES                  5.00E-04
      BZO2                  5.00E-04
      OPEN                  5.00E-04
      BENZRO2               5.00E-04
      TOL                   5.00E-04
      TO2                   5.00E-04
      TOLRO2                5.00E-04
      XOPN                  5.00E-04
      XYLMN                 5.00E-04
      XLO2                  5.00E-04
      XYLRO2                5.00E-04
      NAPH                  5.00E-04
      PAHRO2                1.00E+00
      CRO                   5.00E-04
      CAT1                  5.00E-04
      CRON                  5.00E-04
      OPAN                  5.00E-04
      ECH4                  5.00E-04
      CL2                   5.00E-04
      CL                    5.00E-04
      HOCL                  5.00E-04
      CLO                   5.00E-04
      FMCL                  5.00E-04
      HCL                   5.00E-04
      CLNO2                 5.00E-04
      CLNO3                 5.00E-04
      SVAVB2                5.00E-04
      SVAVB3                5.00E-04
      SVAVB4                5.00E-04
      SVAVB1                5.00E-04
      SESQ                  5.00E-04
      SESQRXN               1.00E+00
      SOAALK                5.00E-04
      H2NO3PIJ              5.00E-04
      H2NO3PK               5.00E-04
      ACLI                  5.00E-04
      ACLJ                  5.00E-04
      ACLK                  5.00E-04
      IEPOXP                5.00E-04
      ASO4J                 5.00E-04
      AISO3J                5.00E-04
      AGLYJ                 5.00E-04
      MTNO3                 5.00E-04
      AMTNO3J               5.00E-04
      AMTHYDJ               5.00E-04
      AAVB2J                5.00E-04
      AOLGAJ                5.00E-04
      AAVB3J                5.00E-04
      AAVB4J                5.00E-04
      AISO1J                5.00E-04
      AOLGBJ                5.00E-04
      AISO2J                5.00E-04
      ASQTJ                 5.00E-04
      APOCI                 5.00E-04
      APNCOMI               5.00E-04
      APOCJ                 5.00E-04
      APNCOMJ               5.00E-04
      PCVOC                 5.00E-04
      PCSOARXN              5.00E-04
      VLVPO1                5.00E-04
      VSVPO1                5.00E-04
      VSVPO2                5.00E-04
      VSVPO3                5.00E-04
      VIVPO1                5.00E-04
      VLVOO1                5.00E-04
      VLVOO2                5.00E-04
      VSVOO2                5.00E-04
      VSVOO3                5.00E-04
      VSVOO1                5.00E-04
      FORM_PRIMARY          5.00E-04
      ALD2_PRIMARY          5.00E-04
      BUTADIENE13           5.00E-04
      ACROLEIN              5.00E-04
      ACRO_PRIMARY          5.00E-04
      TOLU                  5.00E-04
      HG                    5.00E-04
      HGIIAER               5.00E-04
      HGIIGAS               5.00E-04

WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 1, 1, 1) Init.Conc. for CO = 1.7010E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 5, 3, 1) Init.Conc. for CO = 1.1389E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 5, 3, 1) Init.Conc. for ECH4 = 1.8168E+04 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 3, 1) Init.Conc. for CO = 2.2110E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 3, 1) Init.Conc. for ECH4 = 7.0054E+04 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 4, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for CO = 1.2668E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 4, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for ECH4 = 1.8166E+04 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 5, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for NO = 1.6114E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 5, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for CO = 2.5065E+04 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 5, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for ETHA = 6.6877E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 5, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for PAR = 3.2024E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 5, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for ECH4 = 1.3287E+06 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 5, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for PCVOC = 1.8629E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for NO = 5.4779E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for SO2 = 1.4094E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for CO = 8.9320E+04 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for ETHA = 2.4453E+04 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for PAR = 9.7643E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for PRPA = 1.3725E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for OLE = 1.2606E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for TOL = 3.1300E+03 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for ECH4 = 4.8729E+06 ppmV
WARNING: EBI solver in cell ( 6, 4, 1) Init.Conc. for PCVOC = 6.8216E+03 ppmV
WARNING: At solution attempt # 1
WARNING: EBI Euler convergence failure
Reducing EBI time step because of MAXPRED failure in
Cell ( 81, 38, 1) for the below species: : Init.Conc, Pred.Conc.
NO2 5.9723E+02 2.5739E+03 ppmV

Thanks for your help.


Could you please post a map of your layer 1 CO and NO emissions for one hour so we can look at their magnitude? Since SMOKE typically does not create emissions in moles/hour when generating files for CMAQ, it would also be helpful if you could provide more details on your emission inventories and how you processed them through SMOKE.

Hi Hasibul,

We recently found an error in the conversion of emissions from per hour units to per second units. Assuming you are running v5.3.2, please go to this line: CMAQ/CCTM/src/emis/emis/EMIS_DEFN.F at 5.3.2 · USEPA/CMAQ · GitHub

and change it to:
CONV = CONV / 3600.0

Hopefully this will alleviate your issue.

Please find attached the layer 1 emission for a particular hour for NO2 and CO.

. SMOKE does provide moles/hr output. I used NEI 2020 to run SMOKE 4.8.1. Here is a run script I used:
smk_point_nctox.txt (5.4 KB)

Thanks for your help.


After changing to CONV = CONV / 3600.0, the model went through without stopping. Here is the log file (partial):
CTM_LOG_054.v532_gcc_OOSL1330_105X135_20230201.txt (115.1 KB)
Now the FinalFrac of my GRIDDED_EMIS file is zero.

Note: these are populated using rules from the
Emission Control File Supplied by the User.

 Stream Type: "Gridded Area Emissions File   1" | Sector Label: GRIDDED_EMIS (01)

    Table of Aerosol Size Distributions Available for Use Sector-Wide.
    Note that Mode 1 is reserved for gas-phase species and surrogates.
      Number  Surrogate Mode  Reference Mode (see AERO_DATA.F)
      ------  --------------  --------------------------------
      2       FINE                        FINE_REF
      3       COARSE                    COARSE_REF

    CMAQ Species     Phase/Mode  Surrogate         Region             Op ScaleFac Basis FinalFac
    ------------     ----------  ---------         ------             -- -------- ----- --------
      NO               GAS        NO               EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      AACD             GAS        AACD             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      ALD2             GAS        ALD2             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      FORM             GAS        FORM             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      MEOH             GAS        MEOH             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      FACD             GAS        FACD             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      CO               GAS        CO               EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      ALDX             GAS        ALDX             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      ETHA             GAS        ETHA             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      ETOH             GAS        ETOH             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      KET              GAS        KET              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      PAR              GAS        PAR              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      ACET             GAS        ACET             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      ETH              GAS        ETH              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      OLE              GAS        OLE              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      IOLE             GAS        IOLE             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      ISOP             GAS        ISOP             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      TERP             GAS        TERP             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      APIN             GAS        APIN             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      SESQ             GAS        SESQ             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      FORM_PRIMARY     GAS        FORM_PRIMARY     EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000
      ALD2_PRIMARY     GAS        ALD2_PRIMARY     EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   0.000

 Stream Type: "Lightning NO Emissions" | Sector Label: LTNG (02)

    Table of Aerosol Size Distributions Available for Use Sector-Wide.
    Note that Mode 1 is reserved for gas-phase species and surrogates.
      Number  Surrogate Mode  Reference Mode (see AERO_DATA.F)
      ------  --------------  --------------------------------
      2       FINE                        FINE_REF
      3       COARSE                    COARSE_REF

    CMAQ Species     Phase/Mode  Surrogate         Region             Op ScaleFac Basis FinalFac
    ------------     ----------  ---------         ------             -- -------- ----- --------
      NO               GAS        NO               EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000

 Stream Type: "Sea Spray Aerosol Emissions" | Sector Label: SEASPRAY (03)

    Table of Aerosol Size Distributions Available for Use Sector-Wide.
    Note that Mode 1 is reserved for gas-phase species and surrogates.
      Number  Surrogate Mode  Reference Mode (see AERO_DATA.F)
      ------  --------------  --------------------------------
      2       FINE                   FINE_SEASPRAY
      3       COARSE               COARSE_SEASPRAY

    CMAQ Species     Phase/Mode  Surrogate         Region             Op ScaleFac Basis FinalFac
    ------------     ----------  ---------         ------             -- -------- ----- --------
      ASO4J            FINE       PMFINE_SO4       EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ACAJ             FINE       PMFINE_CA        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AMGJ             FINE       PMFINE_MG        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AKJ              FINE       PMFINE_K         EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AH2OJ            FINE       PMFINE_H2O       EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ANAJ             FINE       PMFINE_NA        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ACLJ             FINE       PMFINE_CL        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ASEACAT          COARSE     PMCOARSE_SEACAT  EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ACLK             COARSE     PMCOARSE_CL      EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ASO4K            COARSE     PMCOARSE_SO4     EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AH2OK            COARSE     PMCOARSE_H2O     EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000

 Stream Type: "Wind-Blown Dust Emissions" | Sector Label: WBDUST (04)

    Table of Aerosol Size Distributions Available for Use Sector-Wide.
    Note that Mode 1 is reserved for gas-phase species and surrogates.
      Number  Surrogate Mode  Reference Mode (see AERO_DATA.F)
      ------  --------------  --------------------------------
      2       FINE                     FINE_WBDUST
      3       COARSE                 COARSE_WBDUST

    CMAQ Species     Phase/Mode  Surrogate         Region             Op ScaleFac Basis FinalFac
    ------------     ----------  ---------         ------             -- -------- ----- --------
      ASO4J            FINE       PMFINE_SO4       EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ANH4J            FINE       PMFINE_NH4       EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ANO3J            FINE       PMFINE_NO3       EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AOTHRJ           FINE       PMFINE_OTHR      EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AFEJ             FINE       PMFINE_FE        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AALJ             FINE       PMFINE_AL        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ASIJ             FINE       PMFINE_SI        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ATIJ             FINE       PMFINE_TI        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ACAJ             FINE       PMFINE_CA        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AMGJ             FINE       PMFINE_MG        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AKJ              FINE       PMFINE_K         EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AMNJ             FINE       PMFINE_MN        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ASOIL            COARSE     PMCOARSE_SOIL    EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AH2OJ            FINE       PMFINE_H2O       EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ANAJ             FINE       PMFINE_NA        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ACLJ             FINE       PMFINE_CL        EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ACLK             COARSE     PMCOARSE_CL      EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ASO4K            COARSE     PMCOARSE_SO4     EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ANO3K            COARSE     PMCOARSE_NO3     EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      AH2OK            COARSE     PMCOARSE_H2O     EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ALVPO1J          FINE       PMFINE_LVPO1     EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000
      ALVOO1J          FINE       PMFINE_LVOO1     EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT   1.000


Please let me know the log file looks good now and if it is normal that the FinalFac to be 0.00. Thanks for your help.


Hello Hasibul,

thank you for posting the emission plots which confirm that the magnitude of your emissions is indeed consistent with units of moles/hr. And thank you for confirming that implementing the code fix posted by Ben resolves the convergence failure.

Here is my perspective on the issue you were encountering:

  • Historically, the time unit for emission fluxes prepared for CMAQ needed to be s-1. This expectation is documented in Chapter 4 of the User’s Guide.
  • The DESID feature introduced in CMAQv5.3 added a hidden option that allowed the time unit to instead be min-1 or hr-1 and included code to internally perform conversions to s-1 when encountering such non-standard time units.
  • However, that hidden option was not fully tested, and as noted in Ben’s comment above, the unit conversion was inverted, multiplying rather than dividing by 3,600 when encountering hr-1 time units.
  • Because of the presence of that hidden option, CMAQ did not crash when encountering the non-standard hr-1 instead of the standard s-1 time units in your file.
  • In the version of CMAQ you are using, the FinalFac values (which are calculated as the product of any scaling factors specified in the EmissCtrl file and any potential internal unit conversion) were written to the log file as fixed format floating point values with a field width of six and three significant digits. This caused the erroneous scaling factor of 3600 applied in the original code to be written out as “******”. Once you applied the code fix and the scaling factor was correctly calculated as 1/3600, this value of 0.000277 is being written out as “0.000” given the format constraints. More recent versions of CMAQ use scientific notation when reporting the scaling factors in the log file.