Error in compiling CMAQ v5.3.1 -ISAM


I have no problem in compiling and running CMAQ v5.3.1 without ISAM but compiling error with ISAM.

I attached bldit.cctm.csh, Makefile, and log file …

Please help me solve this problem…

Thank you for your kind support in advance…

During the compiling, the error was as follows…

EMIS_DEFN.F(532): error #6366: The shapes of the array expressions do not conform.
EMIS_DEFN.F(531): error #6366: The shapes of the array expressions do not conform.
& + VDEMIS_CONV( 1:N_SPC_DIFF,1:NL,:,: )
EMIS_DEFN.F(529): error #6366: The shapes of the array expressions do not conform. [SA_VDEMIS_DIFF_ALL]
EMIS_DEFN.F(537): error #6366: The shapes of the array expressions do not conform.
EMIS_DEFN.F(536): error #6366: The shapes of the array expressions do not conform.bldit_cctm.csh (28.6 KB)Makefile.txt (29.2 KB)cmaq_isam_log.txt (109.8 KB)

Are you sure you are using the latest version of the code?

Currently on github, lines 529-537 of EMIS_DEFN.F are commented out and replaced with a different approach to do this calculation. This was a bug in an early version of this subroutine and has since been changed. The version of the code that has calculations that are crashing for you should not have been publicly available.

Furthermore, there is an issue posted to refrain from using ISAM for secondarily produced gas-phase species. We are currently in the final stages of testing an update to ISAM that addresses the posted issue. It will be released when the benchmark tested is concluded.


Dear Sergey,

It was downloaded in Feb. via github…

I downloaded the new version again and it worked fine…

If the ISAM modeule is updated, please let me know (…

Thank you for your kind support…

Younseo Koo

I am glad it worked out now.

There will be a new version coming out shortly. Keep a lookout for an announcement from CMAS.


Hi Sergey,

Will the new release of ISAM include source apportionment capabilities for PM?




It will have the same PM capabilities as before. The PM module is not changing very much (mainly by the precursors’s impact from gas chemistry).
