Error in running CMAQ-ISAM 5.3.2

Dear @lizadams, @hogrefe.christian, @sergey, @FengLiu,

I tried to run CMAQ-ISAM in CMAQ-5.3.2 but got error. Below is the summary of the error I got:

Error termination. Backtrace:
At line 2412 of file EMIS_DEFN.F
At line 2412 of file EMIS_DEFN.F
Fortran runtime error: End of file

Attached are the logfiles.

CTM_LOG_000.v532_ISAM_gcc_saprc07tic_ae6i_aq_20180701.txt (75.7 KB) logfile.txt (122.7 KB)

Thanks in anticipation for your help.

It looks like line 2412 of EMIS_DEFN.F contains:

            WRITE( XMSG,'(A,A16,A,/,I3,A11,A16,A,/,A)' ),
     &              'ERROR: Surrogate Species ',TRIM(SPEC),' on emission stream ',
     &              ISRM, ' has units ',TRIM(UNITS),' which are unkown to CMAQ. ',
     &              'Please correct them to proceed.'
            CALL M3EXIT( 'CHECK_EMIS_UNITS', 0, 0, XMSG, 2 )

Please refer to the advice in this previous issue: Issue about CCTM in CMAQv5.3.1 - #6 by hogrefe.christian

Dear @lizadams,

I have found solution to this error by modifying my emission files.

Thanks and best regards,
