Error in pg_srgtools

Dear all,

I followed the instruction and set-up the postgres. I tried to generate the 100 surrogate. The program runs (please see the attached file), but shows some errors like

psql:./output/EUS4k_502x418/temp_files/100_create_wp_cty_cell.sql:9: ERROR: relation “public.wp_cty_cell_100_EUS4k” does not exist

I think I didn’t set-up something correct. I also attached the ‘surrogate_generation’ and ‘surrogate_specification’ files. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.


srg_EUS4k.txt (6.2 KB) surrogate_generation_pg.csv (7.8 KB) surrogate_specification_pg.csv (21.3 KB)

forgot to mention that. the ‘pg-srgtools’ was ok to generate the consu12 surrogate of 100 with the default code and surrogate inputs. I create my own Eastern US 4-km domain, and it should be something needs to be modified in these csv files, which caused the problem.


Did you import your new domain to database by modifying script under util directory?

For domain name in database, it better to use lower cases.

Thanks for these two comments. I changed the domain name to lower cases, and here is my ‘’ set-up.



‘EUS4k’ 304000.000 -848000.000 4000.000 4000.000 502 418 1

tblname=‘eus4k’ # name of table in schema

proj=900921 # value of srid in spatial_ref_sys data table
xorig=304000 # x-coordinate of lower-left corner (LLC) of grid
yorig=-848000 # y-coordinate of LLC of grid
xcellsize=4000 # cell size in x-direction
ycellsize=4000 # cell size in y-direction
cols=502 # number of columns (x)
rows=418 # number of rows (y)