Error in running CMAQ-ISAM 5.3.2, error opening SA_IO_LIST file

I have met a problem when i ran CMAQ-ISAM 5.3.2, as shown belows. Just wondering how to resolve this error. Thanks a lot.

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine SA_IOLIST on PE 001       
 Error Opening SA_IO_LIST file

PM3EXIT: date&time specified as 0
Date&time specified as 0

According to the run instructions in the User Manual

The environment variable SA_IOLIST is set to the location of the ISAM control file.

SA_IOLIST 	path/filename 	Provide the location of the ISAM control file (discussed below)

In the tutorial for running CMAQ-ISAM

There are several places in your run script that would trigger this error.

  1. The environment variable CTM_ISAM is set to N, which prevents the environment variable from being set in the run script

If this is the case, then change:

setenv CTM_ISAM N


setenv CTM_ISAM Y

See this section of the run script.

#> Integrated Source Apportionment Method (ISAM) Options
 setenv CTM_ISAM Y
 if ( $?CTM_ISAM ) then
    if ( $CTM_ISAM == 'Y' || $CTM_ISAM == 'T' ) then
       setenv SA_IOLIST ${WORKDIR}/isam_control.txt
       setenv ISAM_BLEV_ELEV " 1 1"
       setenv AISAM_BLEV_ELEV " 1 1"
  1. there is an issue with the path for WORKDIR that is specified earlier in the script

setenv WORKDIR ${CMAQ_HOME}/CCTM/scripts #> Working Directory. Where the runscript is.

setenv SA_IOLIST ${WORKDIR}/isam_control.txt

  1. the isam_control.txt has been modified to a new name in the run script, and the corresponding file name and location does not match between what is in the run script and what is on the file system.

Thanks very much, @lizadams