I have met a problem when i ran CMAQ-ISAM 5.3.2, as shown belows. Just wondering how to resolve this error. Thanks a lot.
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine SA_IOLIST on PE 001
Error Opening SA_IO_LIST file
PM3EXIT: date&time specified as 0
Date&time specified as 0
There are several places in your run script that would trigger this error.
The environment variable CTM_ISAM is set to N, which prevents the environment variable from being set in the run script
If this is the case, then change:
setenv CTM_ISAM N
setenv CTM_ISAM Y
See this section of the run script.
#> Integrated Source Apportionment Method (ISAM) Options
setenv CTM_ISAM Y
if ( $?CTM_ISAM ) then
if ( $CTM_ISAM == 'Y' || $CTM_ISAM == 'T' ) then
setenv SA_IOLIST ${WORKDIR}/isam_control.txt
setenv ISAM_BLEV_ELEV " 1 1"
setenv AISAM_BLEV_ELEV " 1 1"
there is an issue with the path for WORKDIR that is specified earlier in the script
setenv WORKDIR ${CMAQ_HOME}/CCTM/scripts #> Working Directory. Where the runscript is.
setenv SA_IOLIST ${WORKDIR}/isam_control.txt
the isam_control.txt has been modified to a new name in the run script, and the corresponding file name and location does not match between what is in the run script and what is on the file system.