I think you need to use ncdump to look at the variable names in your EDGAR gridded inventory.
The script is failing to run because the variable name PM2_5 is not found.
It may be that your inventory uses the variable name PM2.5 rather than PM2_5.
Variable “PM2_5” from formula was not found in inventory.
ERROR: Problem processing formula 1 : “PMC=PM10-PM2_5”
Change the smk_edgar_HEMI108k.csh script to modify the following line:
setenv SMKINVEN_FORMULA "PMC=PM10-PM2_5" # formula for computing emissions value
change to
setenv SMKINVEN_FORMULA "PMC=PM10-PM2.5" # formula for computing emissions value
OR an alternative method:
In your arinv.edgar.lst.txt file you have the following, so another solution may be to change: