Problems of Processing EDGAR v3

Hello teachers, I have encountered some problems running smk_edgar_HEMI108k.csh using yearly EDGAR HTAPv3 file.

It seems that the file I put didn’t work

I’ve already processed EDGAR HTAPv3 files according to the earlier thread : using cdo to transfer -180-180 to 0-360 as what HTAPv2 is and change variable name to a new one which is shorter than 16 characters.

I doubt that if it is the reason that HTAPv3 does not have this attribute “emi_co:total_emi_co” for variable of pollutant so it can not be recognized? After using ncdump -h to read these two files I found a lot of difference (above two figures is HTAPv3 after processing, as you can see I changed variable to a shorter one but only for one of them, the last one is HTAP v2 fluxes file)


Here I attached my csh files and arinv file, variable name for my arinv file are ones I changed from original transport name by cdo
smk_edgar_HEMI108k.csh (6.7 KB)

and log files

grdmat.edgar.HEMI_108k.NH108k.log.csh (3.2 KB)
smkinven.edgar.HEMI_108k.log.csh (5.9 KB)
smkmerge.edgar.HEMI_108k.20050710.NH108k.log.csh (4.8 KB)
spcmat.edgar.HEMI_108k.cmaq_cb05_soa.log.csh (3.2 KB)
temporal.edgar.HEMI_108k.20050710.log.csh (3.2 KB)