Hello all,
I am trying to run CMAQV5.4 with 2017gb emission files that I prepared for a custom domain but I come across a problem with the photolysis reaction data. I built the cmaq with cb6r3_ae7 to be consistent with the EPA 2017’s platform but when I execute the run_cctm.csh script, it always crashes at reading the reactions from the CSQY_DATA files with the following error:
>>--->>WARNING in subroutine LOAD_CSQY_DATA on PE 014
WARNING: JTABLE mechanism is for CB6R3_AE7_AQ but gas chemistry name is CB6R5_AE7_AQ
>>--->> WARNING in subroutine LOAD_CSQY_DATA on PE 014
FATAL ERROR: photolysis reaction FORM_R_IUPAC13 not found in the reference data!
>>--->> WARNING in subroutine LOAD_CSQY_DATA on PE 014
FATAL ERROR: photolysis reaction FORM_M_IUPAC13 not found in the reference data!
>>--->> WARNING in subroutine LOAD_CSQY_DATA on PE 014
FATAL ERROR: photolysis reaction ALD2_R_IUPAC13 not found in the reference data!
>>--->> WARNING in subroutine LOAD_CSQY_DATA on PE 014
FATAL ERROR: photolysis reaction ALDX_R_IUPAC13 not found in the reference data!
>>--->> WARNING in subroutine LOAD_CSQY_DATA on PE 014
FATAL ERROR: photolysis reaction GLYD_IUPAC13 not found in the reference data!
>>--->> WARNING in subroutine LOAD_CSQY_DATA on PE 014
FATAL ERROR: photolysis reaction GLY_R_IUPAC13 not found in the reference data!
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine LOAD_CSQY_DATA on PE 014
The above fatal error(s) found in CSQY data!
PM3EXIT: date&time specified as 0
Date&time specified as 0
It appears that there is an inconsistency between the gas chemistry and the mechanism table of CSQY_DATA which is set to cb6r3 but I am not sure why gas chemistry is still cb6r5 even after configuring cmaq to cb6r3?
Could any one please help me to deal with this error?
the CMAQ logfiles and the build.cfg are attached.
cctm_2017_3km_mvrd.log.txt (15.8 KB)
CCTM_v54.cfg.txt (3.6 KB)
CTM_LOG_014.v54_gcc_3km_mvrd_20170101.txt (179.5 KB)