Error reading METCRO3D from EQUATES


CCTM failed with this error when running CMAQv533 with EQUATES inputs on the 12US1 domain:

Error opening file at path-name:
netCDF error number -128  processing file "MET_CRO_3D"
NetCDF: Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built.
NetCDF: Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built.
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine RUNTIME_VARS
Could not open MET_CRO_3D       file

This CCTM executable and environment worked with 2016_12SE1 benchmark inputs.

Output of ncdump -k is:

  • For the EQUATES file: “netCDF-4 classic model”
  • For the BENCH file: “classic”

I’m using the files right out of the box. I retrieved the EQUATES data from the dataverse here: EQUATESv1.0: Emissions, WRF/MCIP, CMAQv5.3.2 Data -- 2002-2017 US_12km and NHEMI_108km - CMAS Data Warehouse

Thanks for your help with this error!


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The I/O API does not support the netCDF-4 HDF5 format, but instead (at the user’s option) uses the “classic” or “classic-64” formats. If this MET_CRO_3D file is in a different format, it is not supported by the I/O API.

Optionally, you can “re-build the universe” using an HDF5-enabled netCDF, but be prepared for the fact that you just broke every Makefile or build-process for your executables…

Thanks for your help. The netcdf installed on this cluster was not built with netcdf-4 support. I rebuilt with HDF5 and now it is working. Thank you!