FEST-C 1.4 - Recommended for all CMAS Users - please uninstall FEST-C 1.4.1

FEST-C V1.4.1 was released in June 2020 under the UNC CMAS website. The major difference between FEST-C V1.4.1 and the previous version, FEST-C V1.4, is the addition of a 2011 management scenario based on 2011 fertilizer sales information. Recent evaluation of FEST-C V1.4.1 EPIC simulations based on this 2011 management scenario indicates an unrealistic high estimation of N fertilization. The estimated inorganic N fertilization over the conterminous U.S is around 3 times higher than the reported value from USGS. Additional updates and evaluation of the 2011 management scenario are needed before this scenario will be ready for a future FEST-C release.

We are removing FEST-C V1.4.1 from the CMAS website and strongly advice users to use the previous version, FEST-C V1.4 , available here: CMAS: Community Modeling and Analysis System

Evaluation of FEST-C V1.4 is available in Ran at al. (2019, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019MS001708)

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