Generating ATPRO_HOURLY from CMAQ output


I am interested in using SMOKE for partitioning daily data I have generated to hourly data. I have generated daily IOAPI files on the 12US1 grid with variables for agricultural NO and HONO emissions in kgN. I also have CMAQ 12US1 output data for NO emissions in mol/hr that I have coded to separate agricultural and non-agricultural NO emissions from 02/01/17-09/30/17. This output is in a similar form to B3GTS files from BEIS.

My ultimate goal is to use this CMAQ output as an hourly profile in SMOKE to partition our daily emissions into hourly emissions. I then plan to merge the SMOKE output agricultural emissions with non-agricultural emissions and then merge the combined emissions with the CMAQ surface emissions. Then, I’ll run CMAQ while zeroing out the relevant NO emissions stream with DESID to avoid double counting.

To run SMOKE, I believe I would need to generate ATPRO_HOURLY files for each day of my simulation. However, I may want to use different profiles per grid cell, given I have that information in the CMAQ output. Is this a feasible use case for SMOKE, and if so, how can I generate these hourly profiles using CMAQ output data? I am wondering if it may be easier to just write scripts using the I/O API for all of these tasks, and if that’s true, I’d be happy to move this discussion to the appropriate category.

Grant Parajuli

Some aspects of what you are looking to do – including using gridded daily data as SMOKE input, day-specific hourly temporal profiles, grid-cell-specific hourly temporal profiles – are things that SMOKE isn’t really equipped to handle. These features may be able to be coded in python.

Gentpro has the ability to make county-specific temporal profiles based on certain equations, but grid-specific output is not really a current option.