GRIDMASK file for smoke

Hi all,

Has anyone any experience with creating a GRIDMASK file for smoke readable gridded emissions inventory files that is not produced by edgar. Ideally, for CAMS emission inventory files, it is urgent!

Many thanks


I have successfully created the mask file - no more need for help. Thanks

That is a great news! Thanks for letting us know!

Hello, can you tell me your creation method?

Hi, we have edited GRIDMAS files. Generally, On a 0.1 x 0.1 latitude and longitude grid determine which country/region and time zone is dominant by area for each grid cell. Assign the region geocode to the GEOCODE raster variable and the time zone offset from UTC to the TZONES raster variable for the appropriate grid cells. Write the raster as a single timestep gridded I/O API netCDF file.