HONO estimation in CB6 chemical mechanism

Hi, everyone,
When I process NEI2017 through the 2017 emissions modeling platform that uses CB6 chemical mechanism, I find that HONO is added as a species from NOX in CB6. In this case, NOX is splitted into NO, NO2, and HONO in gspro file:

HONO;“NOX”;“NO”;0.9;46.0;0.9! See EMF “Note” documenting profile N002

Why should HONO emission included in NOX? According to my understanding of the related literature, actually we don’t know HONO emission, but we can estimate HONO emission by the ratio of HONO emission to the known NOX emission. Accordingly, why weren’t NO, NO2, and HONO allocated as followed in gspro file?

HONO;“NOX”;“NO”;0.9;46.0;0.9! See EMF “Note” documenting profile N002

Thank you very much for your help!