How does CMAQ deal with S(IV)-S(VI) transformation and sulfuric chemistry?

Dear all,

I am working on some applications related to S(IV)-S(VI) transformation and sulfuric chemistry. I checked the codes in CMAQ Cloud module (acm_ae6) and could find the description of the processes. I am wondering that except the cloud module, whether S(IV)-S(VI) transformation is also described in Aerosol module or elsewhere in CMAQ?

Thank you very much for your help!

Best wishes,

Hi Lingyun,

Great question! S(IV) to S(VI) conversion in the latest CMAQ version (v5.5) only includes aqueous reactions in the cloud module. We do plan to implement aerosol-phase S(IV) to S(VI) in CRACMM3 in CMAQv6. Stay tuned!


Hi Sara,

Thank you very much for your reply. I will keep an eye on it! Hope your work goes well!

All the best,