To look into how ASO4I/J/K calculated in CMAQ, you have to look into the source codes under AERO
your path/CMAQ_v5.2/CMAQ_REPO/CCTM/src/aero
In aero6, you can do
grep ASO4 *
In AEROSOL_CHEMISTRY.F and/or ISORROPIA files (file with iso***.f), there are the SO4 aerosol chemistry related codes. Also when the aerosols grow, some ASO4I might become ASO4J etc.
Hi Yuya,
Small amounts of ASO4I,J,K can be directly emitted from sources.
The majority of ASO4I,J,K is produced from gas-phase or aqueous oxidation of SO2. Gas-phase reaction resulting in sulfuric acid (which will condense to particles) is available in mech*.def:
SO2 + OH = SULF + HO2 + SULRXN # 4.50E-31^-3.9 & 1.30E-12^-0.7 &0.53 &1.1;
Aqueous reactions with H2O2 and O3 (and others) are handled in the cloud chemistry module. No aqueous-aerosol reactions currently produce sulfate. The aero module will indicate how condensed sulfuric acid is allocated among the sizes (I, J, etc). ISORROPIA does not produce ASO4* species, but does use them to predict other inorganic species (ammonium, nitrate, etc).
In gas phase reaction, I would like to know how SULRXN or SULF turns into ASO4I,J,K in the model.
Do you know which file handles the reaction of SULRXN or SULF → ASO4I,J,K?
I could find some calculation mechanisms of aqueous oxidation of SO2 in cloud/acm_ae6/aqchem.F and I would like to search other files in cloud directory.