How to run CMAQ with PT3D

Hi everyone. I have a question about cctm runscript.
I have got the pgts3d_l (14lay) file by SMOKE laypoint, but the program didn’t generate inlnts file. I tryed to run CCTM with the pgts3d_l file,and canceled the “STK_EMIS_001” with “#”. But because of no inlnts file, the script was interrupted and it shows:
Invalid file name "STK_EMIS_001 "
So how to run CMAQ with PT3D? I need your help, thanks.

Sorry,I don’t understand your word “run CMAQ with PT3D diagnostic output file setting to Y”. Can you tell me some more? Can CMAQ calculate the 1lay pgts_l file to 3d with this option? Thank you.

There are two ways (offline and inlie) to process stationary point sources that emit emissions above the surface model layer 1. When you generate the 3d gridded emissions using SMOKE, we call it “offline” option since you generate the 3d gridded emissions with MCIP meteorology using SMOKE before CMAQ simulation. The “inline” option is generating the 3d gridded emissions internally within CMAQ with MCIP meteorology. When you choose “inline” option, you need to generate two different types of outputs from SMOKE: 1) STACK_GROUP holds the list of elevated emission sources that emit emissions above the model layer 1 and 2) INLN: Hourly emissions from these elevated point sources.
Looks like you generated “offline” 3d gridded hourly emissions but feed them as inline emissions. CMAQ diagnostic output file option is designed for CMAQ to generate the 3d gridded emissions like ptgs3d for QA purposes.
Here is some information on how to generate the inline emissions for CMAQ.
Check out the SMK_ELEV_METHOD to find out configure your SMOKE run to generate the inline ready emissions files.

From the CMAQ run script perspective, if you are providing no inline emission files, you should use the following setting:

setenv N_EMIS_PT 0

any settings for STK_GRPS, STK_EMIS, and STK_EMIS_LAB will then be ignored

3D “offline” gridded point source emission files are treated like any another gridded emission file by CMAQ and should therefore be specified as part of the “#> Gridded Emissions files” section of the run script. For example, if your emissions are set up to have a 2-D file for non-point sources and a 3-D file for point sources, your CMAQ run script section would look something like this:

setenv N_EMIS_GR 2

setenv GR_EMIS_001 /path/to/2d/nonpoint/gridded/

setenv GR_EMIS_002 /path/to/3d/point/gridded/

Thank you for your reply.
#> In-line point emissions configuration
And setenv N_EMIS_PT 0 ?

Thank you for your reply.
I can make the “inline” file with 1 lay, and can run the cctm script. I read the userguide of SMOKE and CMAQ, I can’t find the “PT3D diagnostic output file setting” in the cctm runscript, how to open it. Here I have another question which way is batter for the result or closer to reality, offline or inline?

Thank you for your reply.
#> In-line point emissions configuration
And setenv N_EMIS_PT 0 ?

Yes, see my previous post.

In your original post, you mentioned that you generated a 14 layer pgts3d_l file with SMOKE. You can use that 3D file as one of your gridded emission input files to CMAQ, by including it in the count of N_EMIS_GR and setting GR_EMIS_### and GR_EMIS_LAB### correspondingly.

I am not quite sure what you refer to as an inline file with 1 layer - “inline” files aren’t gridded and are listed under N_EMIS_PT with corresponding entries for STK_GRPS, STK_EMIS, and STK_EMIS_LAB, while “offline” point source files are gridded files with 1 or more layers and are listed under N_EMIS_GR

The CMAQ 3D diagnostic output file option mentioned by @bbaek is intended to obtain emissions for different input streams after any scaling performed by DESID, i.e. for QA purposes. It is described in Appendix B of the CMAQ Users Guide. If you have inline point source files (consisting of both the STK_GRPS_### and STK_EMIS_### files) specified in the CMAQ run script, you can then set STK_EMIS_DIAG_### to 3D to obtain a 3D file with diagnostic emissions (after any scaling applied in DESID) for that emission stream.

In my understanding, both the SMOKE “offline” computations and CMAQ “inline” computations use the same plume rise algorithm, so as long as you use the same MCIP files, the results should be quite similar if not the same. Historically, the main advantage of preparing “inline” point sources for CMAQ was to save disk space because that approach avoids creating 3D files with many zeros in grid cells without stacks and/or above or below the layers determined by the plume rise algorithm. If you use the two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ model, the “inline” approach can account for sub-hourly variations in meteorology while the “offline” approach couldn’t (and the MCIP files required by the “offline” approach likely wouldn’t be available prior to running the two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ model)